Tasmiah Haque

How Alpha Catering turned things around

Strategic pivot from an office lunch catering business to an event catering business: Muhammed Asif Khan, CEO of Alpha Catering

5y ago


Workspaces are often designed with functionality as the primary objective; gender considerations are yet to be integrated into office design for a large number of organisations in Bangladesh. What follows is a set of extremely simple things that organisations can do to make the office a safe, women-friendly place.

5y ago


I have been working as a freelance contributor for a little over a year now. In this time, I've picked up on a few unprofessional things

6y ago

A beginner's guide to BCS

In simple terms, BCS is the examination you need to pass, to get an appointment in government services. The exam happens nationwide, is highly competitive, and has three core stages that take approximately two years to finish.

6y ago

Things you shouldn't do in a job interview

Getting a job, especially one of the sought-after ones, involves a good amount of strategy and effort just to get through the multiple stages of application and assessment.

6y ago

Transforming talent through diversity and curiosity

Head Office of British American Tobacco, Bangladesh (BATB) to interview the Group Head of External Affairs, Mr. John Clayton.

6y ago

Skills to learn in your graduation year

In my teens, I used to look with awe at university seniors getting jobs.

6y ago

3 tips to make secondary research easier

In secondary research, data collection is the trickiest part. For such research, you mostly have to rely on data that others have

6y ago
December 6, 2019
December 6, 2019

How Alpha Catering turned things around

Strategic pivot from an office lunch catering business to an event catering business: Muhammed Asif Khan, CEO of Alpha Catering

November 29, 2019
November 29, 2019


Workspaces are often designed with functionality as the primary objective; gender considerations are yet to be integrated into office design for a large number of organisations in Bangladesh. What follows is a set of extremely simple things that organisations can do to make the office a safe, women-friendly place.

January 11, 2019
January 11, 2019


I have been working as a freelance contributor for a little over a year now. In this time, I've picked up on a few unprofessional things

December 21, 2018
December 21, 2018

A beginner's guide to BCS

In simple terms, BCS is the examination you need to pass, to get an appointment in government services. The exam happens nationwide, is highly competitive, and has three core stages that take approximately two years to finish.

December 7, 2018
December 7, 2018

Things you shouldn't do in a job interview

Getting a job, especially one of the sought-after ones, involves a good amount of strategy and effort just to get through the multiple stages of application and assessment.

November 2, 2018
November 2, 2018

Transforming talent through diversity and curiosity

Head Office of British American Tobacco, Bangladesh (BATB) to interview the Group Head of External Affairs, Mr. John Clayton.

August 17, 2018
August 17, 2018

Skills to learn in your graduation year

In my teens, I used to look with awe at university seniors getting jobs.

August 3, 2018
August 3, 2018

3 tips to make secondary research easier

In secondary research, data collection is the trickiest part. For such research, you mostly have to rely on data that others have

July 13, 2018
July 13, 2018

Am I compatible with this job?

In an ideal world, people love their jobs and find fulfilment in their work. That doesn't always happen in this imperfect and very much real world. Sometimes, people work for money. Sometimes, it's a fancy brand name that matters.

June 15, 2018
June 15, 2018

Survival hacks for slackers in the corporate world

If you're reading this, you may have reached that point in your life where you've finally stopped trying to disprove what you really