Tasnim Naz

Tasnim Naz has an endless love of literature, both inside and outside the classroom in which she teaches.

A tale of survival, dominance, and self-discovery in colonial Bengal

Obayed Haq’s Bangla novel, Arkathi, is almost a bildungsroman tale filled with adventure and self-reflection. In true bildungsroman fashion, where the protagonist progresses into adulthood with room for growth and change, a bulk of Haq’s novel talks about the spiritual journey that an orphan, Naren, takes through a forest in order to mature, and comes out on the other side to realise a community’s deep, hidden truth.

2m ago

In conversation with Shazia Omar: Fiction, wellness, readership, and everything in between

'I would like to see more writing coming out of Bangladesh,' Shazia Omar said. 'We are still behind'

10m ago

Anne Brontë: The daring sister in the shadows

Anne was a realistic novelist—and one who was very much ahead of her time. She was a fiery feminist, and dismissive of creating any Gothic atmosphere

1y ago

Where to Start with Nobel Laureate, Jon Fosse

On 5th October, 2023 the acclaimed Norwegian playwright and poet, Jon Olav Fosse, won the Nobel Prize in Literature “for his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable.”

1y ago

The bitter-sweet world of self-help books

The concept of self-improvement is by no means a new one, rather the notion is in the foundational structures of moral well-being. The centuries old Socrates commandment, “Know Thyself” is at the very crux of what self-improvement consists of.

1y ago


I found a gold pendant which I decided to keep. I wore it around my neck and looked in the mirror. Did my mother ever wear this pendant?

1y ago

Au Revoir, Milan Kundera

On July 11, 2023, the world said goodbye to Czech-born French novelist, Milan Kundera.

1y ago

Memories of Eid and ‘Dipu Number Two’

One of my most vivid memories growing up was discovering the joys of reading during one train journey to Rajshahi, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal's novel of childhood adventures

1y ago
December 13, 2024
December 13, 2024

A tale of survival, dominance, and self-discovery in colonial Bengal

Obayed Haq’s Bangla novel, Arkathi, is almost a bildungsroman tale filled with adventure and self-reflection. In true bildungsroman fashion, where the protagonist progresses into adulthood with room for growth and change, a bulk of Haq’s novel talks about the spiritual journey that an orphan, Naren, takes through a forest in order to mature, and comes out on the other side to realise a community’s deep, hidden truth.

March 23, 2024
March 23, 2024

In conversation with Shazia Omar: Fiction, wellness, readership, and everything in between

'I would like to see more writing coming out of Bangladesh,' Shazia Omar said. 'We are still behind'

January 17, 2024
January 17, 2024

Anne Brontë: The daring sister in the shadows

Anne was a realistic novelist—and one who was very much ahead of her time. She was a fiery feminist, and dismissive of creating any Gothic atmosphere

October 28, 2023
October 28, 2023

Where to Start with Nobel Laureate, Jon Fosse

On 5th October, 2023 the acclaimed Norwegian playwright and poet, Jon Olav Fosse, won the Nobel Prize in Literature “for his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable.”

August 1, 2023
August 1, 2023

The bitter-sweet world of self-help books

The concept of self-improvement is by no means a new one, rather the notion is in the foundational structures of moral well-being. The centuries old Socrates commandment, “Know Thyself” is at the very crux of what self-improvement consists of.

July 30, 2023
July 30, 2023


I found a gold pendant which I decided to keep. I wore it around my neck and looked in the mirror. Did my mother ever wear this pendant?

July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023

Au Revoir, Milan Kundera

On July 11, 2023, the world said goodbye to Czech-born French novelist, Milan Kundera.

April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023

Memories of Eid and ‘Dipu Number Two’

One of my most vivid memories growing up was discovering the joys of reading during one train journey to Rajshahi, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal's novel of childhood adventures

March 4, 2023
March 4, 2023

The long dinner table

A daughter reflects on time and Bengali culture as she revels in the excitement of cooking her parents a meal.