Down to business with the best bathrooms

The quality of bathrooms you've come across while travelling will vary greatly.

3y ago


The United States said Monday it would not allow foreign students to remain in the country if all of their classes are moved online in the fall because of the coronavirus crisis.

4y ago

“I can’t hear you, is your mic even on?”

Yes, read the title again.

4y ago

Step into the boots of a pro footballer

New Star Soccer may not look the part, but it is one of the best sports RPG’s you can play on mobile. In it, you step into the shoes of a 16-year-old footballer and lead him through his entire footballing career.

4y ago

My first time as a koshai

It’s finally time. Year after year of having my authority questioned, of being belittled and humiliated by my own family, I’m going to

4y ago


For the longest time, the only cricket game of note was EA’s Cricket 07. Recently, however, the cricket game market has belonged to

4y ago

An impeccable visual novel, a disappointing investigation sim

Many games can spend millions on creating photorealistic depictions of a place only for it to not feel like a real location. Night Call,

4y ago

Exanima: Isometric RPG meets Mordhau

Okay, perhaps comparing this to Mordhau is a bit of a stretch. However, Exanima is such a unique game that I can’t find a better comparison than that. Bear with me while I explain exactly why this game is so difficult to place into a category. One thing I can

4y ago
June 27, 2019
June 27, 2019

What your relatives think of your major

One of the best parts of the Eid holidays is getting to see your loved ones. For all the people that go back to their ancestral homes,

June 27, 2019
June 27, 2019

Maintaining long distance friendships

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and that is truest in the context of friendships. If any of your friends have moved far enough

June 20, 2019
June 20, 2019

Making VR more accessible

For the longest time, the only names in VR gaming were HTC and PlayStation (PS). The Vive and PS VR had the best collection of VR games along with the best hardware to run them. Now, with the release of two new headsets from Oculus – the Quest and the Rift S – it seems

June 13, 2019
June 13, 2019

The unsavoury truth of cricket and Bangladesh

It’s finally happening. After many years of watching Bangladesh go into tournaments with the hopes of “close matches” and “upsets”,

May 30, 2019
May 30, 2019

Why it’s the best time to get back into Rocket League

Ever since it came out in 2015, there has never been a game quite like Rocket League. The idea of playing sports with vehicles was such a novel idea that it took the world by storm. Over time, almost everyone has tried it at least once and been amazed at how fun it is to pick up and play.

May 30, 2019
May 30, 2019

Why relating to BoJack doesn’t make you special

Of all the animated shows, BoJack Horseman is arguably one of the best. With one of the episodes (Free Churro) on the latest season being the 12th highest-rated television episode of all time on IMDb,

January 24, 2019
January 24, 2019

Do not go gentle into that good night

I'm sprinting, trying to navigate through the maze-like tunnels of this deep mineshaft. To my hypothermic, overburdened self, the flickering matchstick makes every wall and turn look identical.

January 24, 2019
January 24, 2019

Making winter last

After spending all morning getting your thick woollen blankets out and airing them out in the sun, you're finally ready to enjoy the chilly winter. Only, when you get underneath the blanket you're sweating.

January 17, 2019
January 17, 2019

Catching up with the BPL

The country's biggest T20 league is taking place as we speak, but this time around it hasn't been garnering too much attention.

December 6, 2018
December 6, 2018

Starcraft without context

I never understood the strategies involved in RTS games, and the few times I played, I realised spamming one type of soldier at the enemy just doesn't work. To redeem my uncultured ways, I decided to look at how the pros strategised.

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