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Amnesty, EU, UK condemn killing

The United Kingdom, the European Union and the Amnesty International (AI) have strongly condemned the brutal murder of blogger Ananta Bijoy Das in Sylhet yesterday.

They also expressed concerns over the state of freedom of expression in Bangladesh.

In a statement yesterday, the EU delegation to Bangladesh said Ananta is already the third blogger murdered this year in Bangladesh.

Reiterating its strong attachment to freedom of expression as an essential element of a democratic society, it called for a prompt investigation to bring perpetrators to justice.

EU Ambassador in Bangladesh Pierre Mayaudon also expressed his condolences to Ananta's family.

Condemning the murder, British High Commissioner to Bangladesh Robert W Gibson tweeted: "Shocked by and condemn the brutal murder of Ananta Bijoy Das. There must be space for free speech in Bangladesh."

Meanwhile, the AI said the Bangladeshi authorities must deliver justice over the shocking murder of the secularist Bangladeshi blogger Ananta Bijoy Das -- the third such killing this year -- if they wish to avert a looming crisis for freedom of expression in the country.

"Some of these killings have been claimed by extremists -- but they have been facilitated by the official failure to prosecute anyone responsible," said Abbas Faiz, AI's Bangladesh Researcher. "The murder of Bijoy Das again shows that Bangladesh is not doing enough to protect critics of religious intolerance, or to prosecute their attackers."

"The prevalent impunity for all these cases continues to send a message that such attacks are tolerated by the authorities. Ending impunity and ensuring protection for those at risk must be a priority for the Bangladeshi authorities," he added. 


Amnesty, EU, UK condemn killing

The United Kingdom, the European Union and the Amnesty International (AI) have strongly condemned the brutal murder of blogger Ananta Bijoy Das in Sylhet yesterday.

They also expressed concerns over the state of freedom of expression in Bangladesh.

In a statement yesterday, the EU delegation to Bangladesh said Ananta is already the third blogger murdered this year in Bangladesh.

Reiterating its strong attachment to freedom of expression as an essential element of a democratic society, it called for a prompt investigation to bring perpetrators to justice.

EU Ambassador in Bangladesh Pierre Mayaudon also expressed his condolences to Ananta's family.

Condemning the murder, British High Commissioner to Bangladesh Robert W Gibson tweeted: "Shocked by and condemn the brutal murder of Ananta Bijoy Das. There must be space for free speech in Bangladesh."

Meanwhile, the AI said the Bangladeshi authorities must deliver justice over the shocking murder of the secularist Bangladeshi blogger Ananta Bijoy Das -- the third such killing this year -- if they wish to avert a looming crisis for freedom of expression in the country.

"Some of these killings have been claimed by extremists -- but they have been facilitated by the official failure to prosecute anyone responsible," said Abbas Faiz, AI's Bangladesh Researcher. "The murder of Bijoy Das again shows that Bangladesh is not doing enough to protect critics of religious intolerance, or to prosecute their attackers."

"The prevalent impunity for all these cases continues to send a message that such attacks are tolerated by the authorities. Ending impunity and ensuring protection for those at risk must be a priority for the Bangladeshi authorities," he added. 


শাহবাগ, সহকারী শিক্ষক,

শাহবাগে অবরোধকারীদের ছত্রভঙ্গ করতে পুলিশের জলকামান

সকাল ১১টার দিকে শাহবাগ মোড়ে জড়ো হতে থাকেন আন্দোলনকারীরা

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