
Smartphone import to be costlier

Import of smartphones will be costlier as supplementary duty has been proposed to be raised by two and half times to 25 per cent from its existing 10 per cent in the proposed budget today.

However basic and feature phones will remain out of this tax burden, as smartphone is used by affluent people, said finance minister.

In his budget speech, finance minister also said that due to the government's initiative some five to six local manufacturers have already started manufacturing and assembling cell phones in Bangladesh.

In 2017-18 the government first gave some benefit for assembling mobile devises in the country and currently serves about 30 per cent local demand.


Smartphone import to be costlier

Import of smartphones will be costlier as supplementary duty has been proposed to be raised by two and half times to 25 per cent from its existing 10 per cent in the proposed budget today.

However basic and feature phones will remain out of this tax burden, as smartphone is used by affluent people, said finance minister.

In his budget speech, finance minister also said that due to the government's initiative some five to six local manufacturers have already started manufacturing and assembling cell phones in Bangladesh.

In 2017-18 the government first gave some benefit for assembling mobile devises in the country and currently serves about 30 per cent local demand.


৫-১৫ আগস্ট মানবাধিকার লঙ্ঘনের ঘটনাও তদন্তের সুপারিশ জাতিসংঘের

জাতিসংঘের প্রতিবেদনে বলা হয়েছে, এসব ঘটনার বিচার না হলে দেশের সামাজিক কাঠামো, গণতান্ত্রিক সংস্কৃতি ও ভবিষ্যৎ সংহতির জন্য বড় ঝুঁকি তৈরি হতে পারে।

৭ মিনিট আগে