
21st DHL-Daily Star Bangladesh Business Awards tomorrow

The 21st edition of the DHL-The Daily Star Bangladesh Business Awards will be held tomorrow.

Global logistics service provider DHL and Bangladesh's most widely circulated English newspaper The Daily Star have been honouring the best in the business community with awards every year since 2000 in order to recognise the outstanding achievements and contributions of business icons.

The theme of this year's award is "Vision to Action: The Trillion-Dollar Expedition of Bangladesh".

Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi is scheduled to attend the event as the chief guest at Sheraton Dhaka.

This year, the awards will be given in four categories: Business Person of the Year, Best Financial Institution of the Year, Outstanding Women in Business and Lifetime Achievement Award.


21st DHL-Daily Star Bangladesh Business Awards tomorrow

The 21st edition of the DHL-The Daily Star Bangladesh Business Awards will be held tomorrow.

Global logistics service provider DHL and Bangladesh's most widely circulated English newspaper The Daily Star have been honouring the best in the business community with awards every year since 2000 in order to recognise the outstanding achievements and contributions of business icons.

The theme of this year's award is "Vision to Action: The Trillion-Dollar Expedition of Bangladesh".

Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi is scheduled to attend the event as the chief guest at Sheraton Dhaka.

This year, the awards will be given in four categories: Business Person of the Year, Best Financial Institution of the Year, Outstanding Women in Business and Lifetime Achievement Award.


বইমেলায় এ ধরনের অপ্রীতিকর ঘটনা বাংলাদেশের উন্মুক্ত সাংস্কৃতিক চর্চাকে ক্ষুণ্ন করে: প্রধান উপদেষ্টা

‘এ ধরনের বিশৃঙ্খল আচরণ বাংলাদেশে নাগরিকের অধিকার ও দেশের আইন—উভয়ের প্রতিই অবজ্ঞা প্রদর্শন করে।’

১ ঘণ্টা আগে