‘Ban on GP SIM counterproductive for nation’s digitalisation agenda’

Grameenphone said the telecom regulator's ban on sales of SIM of the leading telecom operator is counterproductive for the nation's digitalisation agenda and against the principle of customers' freedom of choice.
"The regulator has re-invoked the ban on Grameenphone SIM sales, revoking the earlier decision to allow sales of pre-approved numbers due to customers' demand," said the operator in a statement.
"On behalf of our customers, the company deeply regrets this decision which we believe is counterproductive for the nation's digitalisation agenda and against the principle of customers' freedom of choice," said Khairul Basher, head of communications at Grameenphone.
The telecom regulator today barred Grameenphone (GP) from selling unused pre-approved old numbers that were not in operation for over 450 days.
Earlier on June 30 this year, the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission ordered the telecom company to stop selling new SIM cards for the operator's failure to provide quality services.
However, in mid-September, GP was given go-ahead to sell unused old numbers, which were approved before the SIM sales ban.
But today the telecom watchdog backtracked from its September decision and slapped a ban on sales of all types of Grameenphone connections.
BTRC Chairman Shyam Sunder Sikder revealed the information at a programme held at the BTRC office.
Although the Grameenphone SIM sales ban was imposed on grounds of call drops and low service quality, the network provider had earlier passed the regulator's test in this regard.