
Central bank not blocking any business accounts: Governor 

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Bangladesh Bank (BB) is not blocking or interfering with the accounts of any businesses, regardless of their political affiliations, said BB Governor Ahsan H Mansur. 

"We are not affecting any industry. Every sector is allowed to operate freely, without interference or blocking of funds," Mansur said during a roundtable discussion on the current business challenges and the way forward organised by The Daily Star at its office today. 

Mansur also emphasised that freezing bank accounts does not help anyone.

Top entrepreneurs and chief executives from multiple sectors attended the event. The Daily Star Editor Mahfuz Anam moderated the discussion.

Syed Nasim Manzur, managing director of Apex Footwear Ltd, a leading exporter, highlighted the need for ensuring the safety and security of industries in key industrial zones such as Chattogram, Ashulia, Narayanganj, Gazipur, and Cumilla.

Referring to recent arson attacks on Gazi Tyres Ltd and other businesses, Manzur remarked, "These are national assets." 

He also criticised the government's lack of response to the urgency of the situation.

In response to concerns about the attack on the Gazi Tyres factory, Mansur expressed regret over the incident. "The destruction of the Gazi tyre factory is unfortunate. We should have protected them," he said.

Ahsan Khan Chowdhury, chairman and CEO of PRAN-RFL Group, highlighted the importance of maintaining business operations. 

"Reconciliation is crucial. Unity among industries is essential," he added.


Central bank not blocking any business accounts: Governor 

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Bangladesh Bank (BB) is not blocking or interfering with the accounts of any businesses, regardless of their political affiliations, said BB Governor Ahsan H Mansur. 

"We are not affecting any industry. Every sector is allowed to operate freely, without interference or blocking of funds," Mansur said during a roundtable discussion on the current business challenges and the way forward organised by The Daily Star at its office today. 

Mansur also emphasised that freezing bank accounts does not help anyone.

Top entrepreneurs and chief executives from multiple sectors attended the event. The Daily Star Editor Mahfuz Anam moderated the discussion.

Syed Nasim Manzur, managing director of Apex Footwear Ltd, a leading exporter, highlighted the need for ensuring the safety and security of industries in key industrial zones such as Chattogram, Ashulia, Narayanganj, Gazipur, and Cumilla.

Referring to recent arson attacks on Gazi Tyres Ltd and other businesses, Manzur remarked, "These are national assets." 

He also criticised the government's lack of response to the urgency of the situation.

In response to concerns about the attack on the Gazi Tyres factory, Mansur expressed regret over the incident. "The destruction of the Gazi tyre factory is unfortunate. We should have protected them," he said.

Ahsan Khan Chowdhury, chairman and CEO of PRAN-RFL Group, highlighted the importance of maintaining business operations. 

"Reconciliation is crucial. Unity among industries is essential," he added.


দ্রুত ন্যূনতম ঐকমত্য, তার ভিত্তিতে অতিদ্রুত নির্বাচনের প্রত্যাশা বিএনপির

বিএনপি মহাসচিব মির্জা ফখরুল ইসলাম আলমগীর বলেছেন, ‘আমরা আশা করব, খুব দ্রুত এই সংস্কারের ন্যূনতম ঐক্যমত্য তৈরি হবে। সেটার ওপর ভিত্তি করে অতিদ্রুত জাতীয় নির্বাচন অনুষ্ঠিত হবে।’

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