
Up to Tk 50 fee imposed on online tax payments

The fee will be Tk 20 for payments of up to Tk 25,000 and Tk 50 for up to Tk 50,000

Bangladesh Bank has imposed a fee for income tax payments made through credit/debit cards, internet banking, and mobile financial services (MFS) or payment service providers (PSP).

The fee will be Tk 20, including value-added tax, for payments of up to Tk 25,000 made through cards or internet banking, and it will be Tk 50 for payments of up to Tk 50,000.

For payments via MFS or PSP wallets, the fee will be a maximum of Tk 30 and 1 percent charge will be applied on every transaction.

There will be no chargeback option for these transactions, the banking regulator said.

The central bank issued the directive to all scheduled banks, MFS providers, PSPs, payment system operators, and international payment schemes in Bangladesh.

The charges are fixed to encourage taxpayers to use online payment channels for income tax filing, the BB said.


Up to Tk 50 fee imposed on online tax payments

The fee will be Tk 20 for payments of up to Tk 25,000 and Tk 50 for up to Tk 50,000

Bangladesh Bank has imposed a fee for income tax payments made through credit/debit cards, internet banking, and mobile financial services (MFS) or payment service providers (PSP).

The fee will be Tk 20, including value-added tax, for payments of up to Tk 25,000 made through cards or internet banking, and it will be Tk 50 for payments of up to Tk 50,000.

For payments via MFS or PSP wallets, the fee will be a maximum of Tk 30 and 1 percent charge will be applied on every transaction.

There will be no chargeback option for these transactions, the banking regulator said.

The central bank issued the directive to all scheduled banks, MFS providers, PSPs, payment system operators, and international payment schemes in Bangladesh.

The charges are fixed to encourage taxpayers to use online payment channels for income tax filing, the BB said.


একাদশ সংসদ নির্বাচনের ভোট জালিয়াতিসহ সব অনিয়ম তদন্তের সিদ্ধান্ত

ওই নির্বাচনকে কেন্দ্র করে ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার, অপরাধ, অসদাচরণ, ব্যালট জালিয়াতি, আর্থিক লেনদেনসহ সব অভিযোগ তদন্তের সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছে দুদক।

১ ঘণ্টা আগে