ZKTeco brings new and improved SpeedFace-V5L-RFID for Bangladeshi customers
ZKTeco has reintroduced a new range of product, the SpeedFace-V5L-RFID, for the local market.
SpeedFace-V5L-RFID is a visible light facial recognition system that can easily thwart any print attack (Colour/Laser/Black-White photos) due to its algorithm and anti-spoofing technology. It can also thwart video attacks and 3D mask attacks with the aid of supplemental lights with adjustable brightness. Verification methods for this device are the face, RFID cards, password and palm. The storage capacity of the device helps it to store 6,000 unique face templates, 3,000 palms, 10,000 card capacity and 200,000 transactions. Thus, the device is perfect for both small to large corporations.
The refined features of the product are recognition from 2 metres distance, wide-angle recognition, novel hand tracking technique, a higher degree of acceptance for touchless palm authentication etc. It also offers integration through ZKBioAccess.