ZKTeco's SBTL8000 series single lane speed gates available in BD now
ZKTeco has recently introduced the SBTL8000 series single lane speed gates for entrance control. SBTL8000, the single lane speed gates series, is designed for smooth and silent operation and draws very little power making it very energy efficient. The construction of the SBLT8000 is made out of stainless steel. These barriers are normally held in a locked position, thus denying access to the secured side and ensures security. It also comes equipped with a reader (RFID, fingerprint and facial) that can positively recognise a user's valid access card, fingerprint, and face. Once recognised, gates open automatically for the valid user, thus allowing users passage to the secured side. SBTL8000 provides both security and style, all in a very durable and elegant compact design. SBTL8000 comes with a low barrier wing and ADA lane as an option.