Milestone College achieves tremendous success in HSC 2024

Students of Milestone College have excelled in the Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) examination 2024 under Dhaka Education Board. This year, a total of 3107 students – include both Bangla and English versions – appeared at the HSC examination from Milestone College. The pass rate is 100 percent and 2000 students achieved GPA-5. The GPA-5 achievement rate is 64.37 percent.
A total of 2501 students appeared from Science group. Pass rate in Science group is 100 percent and 1952 students got GPA-5. 78.04 students achieved GPA-5 from the Science group. A total of 381 students appeared from Business Studies group; pass rate is 100 percent and 32 students got GPA-5. Total of 225 students appeared from the Humanities group; pass rate is 100 percent and 16 students got GPA-5.
Milestone College Principal, Mohammad Ziaul Alam, said, "Every teacher, student and guardian deserves this success. With the proper supervision of the Milestone College administration, dedicated efforts of the teachers, concentration of the students, and the support of respected guardians, the students are achieving the expected results every year. Ziaul Alam congratulated all the students and expressed hope that they will be more successful in their future life and devote themselves to the service of the country.