
Janata Bank test question leaked

Allege a group of candidates, demand scrapping of exam

A two-day ultimatum was issued yesterday by a group of jobseekers to cancel the written test for a position at state-run Janata Bank as the question paper for the test was allegedly leaked.

The jobseekers under the banner of "general students" also demanded a fresh written test for the Executive Officer position and punishment of the ones involved in the question leak that took place on the night before the test day.

The demands were made at a press conference at the office of Dhaka University Journalists' Association (DUJA).

On April 21, around 9,400 candidates attended the two-hour-long written test at city's Eden College, Lalmatia College and Ideal College venues.

Dean of social science faculty at Dhaka University Prof Farid Uddin Ahmed, the controller of the test, however, denied the question leak allegation.

At the press conference, the candidates claimed that the question paper was leaked on the night before the test and the questions were available on social networking sites, especially on Facebook and Messenger.

Using a PowerPoint presentation, Rakibul Hossain, spokesperson of the complainant jobseekers, displayed several screenshots of the leaked questions that were available on the social media on the night before the test.

“We went to Prof Farid with the evidence, but he told us that he could've done something if we had given those to him before the test,” he said. "We will launch a tougher movement if the written test is not cancelled within Thursday [April 27].”


Janata Bank test question leaked

Allege a group of candidates, demand scrapping of exam

A two-day ultimatum was issued yesterday by a group of jobseekers to cancel the written test for a position at state-run Janata Bank as the question paper for the test was allegedly leaked.

The jobseekers under the banner of "general students" also demanded a fresh written test for the Executive Officer position and punishment of the ones involved in the question leak that took place on the night before the test day.

The demands were made at a press conference at the office of Dhaka University Journalists' Association (DUJA).

On April 21, around 9,400 candidates attended the two-hour-long written test at city's Eden College, Lalmatia College and Ideal College venues.

Dean of social science faculty at Dhaka University Prof Farid Uddin Ahmed, the controller of the test, however, denied the question leak allegation.

At the press conference, the candidates claimed that the question paper was leaked on the night before the test and the questions were available on social networking sites, especially on Facebook and Messenger.

Using a PowerPoint presentation, Rakibul Hossain, spokesperson of the complainant jobseekers, displayed several screenshots of the leaked questions that were available on the social media on the night before the test.

“We went to Prof Farid with the evidence, but he told us that he could've done something if we had given those to him before the test,” he said. "We will launch a tougher movement if the written test is not cancelled within Thursday [April 27].”


‘পাসপোর্টের পুলিশ ভেরিফিকেশন বাতিলের সুযোগ নিতে পারবে না রোহিঙ্গারা’

স্বরাষ্ট্র উপদেষ্টা বলেন, জনগণকে ভোগান্তি থেকে রক্ষা করতে পাসপোর্টের ভেরিফিকেশন তুলে দেওয়া হয়েছে। অনেক দিনের চিন্তাভাবনা থেকেই এই সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া হয়েছে।

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