
Artist Khalid Mahmood Mithu dies in tragic accident

Renowned artist and national award winning director Khalid Mahmood Mithu, dies in a tragic accident in Dhanmondi area of Dhaka. Star File Photo

Renowned artist and national award winning director Khalid Mahmood Mithu, died today in a tragic accident as a tree fell on him at Dhanmondi area in Dhaka.

Mithu, also the husband of artist Kanak Chapa Chakma, was on a rickshaw passing Dhanmondi Road 4 when a tree fell on him around 2:00pm, said Noor-e-Azam, officer-in-charge of Dhanmondi Police Station.

He was rushed to Gonoshastho Nagar hospital where on duty doctors declared him dead due to internal bleeding, the OC said. 

Notable director and artist Khalid Mahmood Mithu died as this tree fell on his rickshaw in Dhanmondi area of Dhaka. This photo was taken on March 7, 2016 by Amran Hossain


Artist Khalid Mahmood Mithu dies in tragic accident

Renowned artist and national award winning director Khalid Mahmood Mithu, dies in a tragic accident in Dhanmondi area of Dhaka. Star File Photo

Renowned artist and national award winning director Khalid Mahmood Mithu, died today in a tragic accident as a tree fell on him at Dhanmondi area in Dhaka.

Mithu, also the husband of artist Kanak Chapa Chakma, was on a rickshaw passing Dhanmondi Road 4 when a tree fell on him around 2:00pm, said Noor-e-Azam, officer-in-charge of Dhanmondi Police Station.

He was rushed to Gonoshastho Nagar hospital where on duty doctors declared him dead due to internal bleeding, the OC said. 

Notable director and artist Khalid Mahmood Mithu died as this tree fell on his rickshaw in Dhanmondi area of Dhaka. This photo was taken on March 7, 2016 by Amran Hossain


যুবকদের দক্ষ করতে ফলমুখী সমবায়ী শিক্ষার ওপর গুরুত্বারোপ প্রধান উপদেষ্টার

‘ব্যবসাকে শুধু সম্পদ গড়ে তোলার মাধ্যম হিসেবে না দেখে এটি যেন মানুষের জীবনে ইতিবাচক প্রভাব ফেলে, সেভাবে রূপান্তরিত করতে হবে। তারা একটি নতুন সভ্যতা গড়ে তুলতে সামাজিক ব্যবসায় সম্পৃক্ত হবেন।’

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