
PM unveils book on Bangabandhu's March 7 speech

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina holds a copy of the book on Bangabandhu's 7th March speech at her office yesterday after unveiling it along with its versions of e-book and mobile application. Photo: PID

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday unveiled an analytical publication on Bangabandhu's historic 7th March speech, its e-book edition and mobile application.

The publication titled “Bangabandhur Sat-e March Er Bhashon: Rajneetir Mahakabyo” (Bangabandhu's 7th March Speech: An Epic Poem of Politics) is a publication compiling analysis of the renowned political commentators, analysts and academic personalities.

Each of them wrote 26 sentences on the Father of the Nation's historic speech.

The prime minister launched the book at the beginning of the weekly cabinet meeting at the Prime Minister's Office yesterday.

Prof Mustafa Nur-Ul Islam, Abdul Gaffar Chowdhury, Prof Emeritus Dr Anisuzzaman, Prof Muntasir Mamun, Prof AAMS Arefin Siddique, Dr SA Malek and Selina Hossain are among those whose comments were incorporated in the book.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina wrote its preface saying the speech of Bangabandhu embodied the heartfelt demand of the mass people of Bangladesh.

"The inspirational speech motivated Bengali Nation to take up weapons for liberation war, the Prime Minister said.

The ICT Division took the initiative for publication of this book.  State Minister for ICT Junaid Ahmed Palak was the chief adviser for the book while former ICT secretary Shyam Sundar Sikder and senior journalist Ajit Kumar Sarkar edited it.

The electronic version of the book or e-book is available at the 'sheiBoi' titled apps in the goggle play store or Apple Store. The released mobile application "7th March Speech Analysis" could be downloaded from the Google play store

Recently the Unesco has included Bangabandhu's historic 7th March speech as "World Documentary Heritage"


PM unveils book on Bangabandhu's March 7 speech

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina holds a copy of the book on Bangabandhu's 7th March speech at her office yesterday after unveiling it along with its versions of e-book and mobile application. Photo: PID

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday unveiled an analytical publication on Bangabandhu's historic 7th March speech, its e-book edition and mobile application.

The publication titled “Bangabandhur Sat-e March Er Bhashon: Rajneetir Mahakabyo” (Bangabandhu's 7th March Speech: An Epic Poem of Politics) is a publication compiling analysis of the renowned political commentators, analysts and academic personalities.

Each of them wrote 26 sentences on the Father of the Nation's historic speech.

The prime minister launched the book at the beginning of the weekly cabinet meeting at the Prime Minister's Office yesterday.

Prof Mustafa Nur-Ul Islam, Abdul Gaffar Chowdhury, Prof Emeritus Dr Anisuzzaman, Prof Muntasir Mamun, Prof AAMS Arefin Siddique, Dr SA Malek and Selina Hossain are among those whose comments were incorporated in the book.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina wrote its preface saying the speech of Bangabandhu embodied the heartfelt demand of the mass people of Bangladesh.

"The inspirational speech motivated Bengali Nation to take up weapons for liberation war, the Prime Minister said.

The ICT Division took the initiative for publication of this book.  State Minister for ICT Junaid Ahmed Palak was the chief adviser for the book while former ICT secretary Shyam Sundar Sikder and senior journalist Ajit Kumar Sarkar edited it.

The electronic version of the book or e-book is available at the 'sheiBoi' titled apps in the goggle play store or Apple Store. The released mobile application "7th March Speech Analysis" could be downloaded from the Google play store

Recently the Unesco has included Bangabandhu's historic 7th March speech as "World Documentary Heritage"


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