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[WATCH] Quasem, the notorious Al-Badr leader

Mir Quasem Ali, who led ruthless militia Al-Badr in Chittagong to commit crimes against humanity in 1971, was hanged at Kashimpur Central Jail today.

Al-Badr was formed as an auxiliary force of the Pakistani army, for killing, torturing, confining pro-liberation people in 1971.

Before his execution the central executive committee member of Jamaat-e-Islami did not seek presidential clemency.

Though his crimes have finally caught up with him, war criminal Mir Quasem Ali in the last four decades was able to establish himself as a top businessman and entrepreneur in Bangladesh.

He emerged as one of the leading business tycoons of the very country, the birth of which he vehemently opposed in 1971.


[WATCH] Quasem, the notorious Al-Badr leader

Mir Quasem Ali, who led ruthless militia Al-Badr in Chittagong to commit crimes against humanity in 1971, was hanged at Kashimpur Central Jail today.

Al-Badr was formed as an auxiliary force of the Pakistani army, for killing, torturing, confining pro-liberation people in 1971.

Before his execution the central executive committee member of Jamaat-e-Islami did not seek presidential clemency.

Though his crimes have finally caught up with him, war criminal Mir Quasem Ali in the last four decades was able to establish himself as a top businessman and entrepreneur in Bangladesh.

He emerged as one of the leading business tycoons of the very country, the birth of which he vehemently opposed in 1971.


‘জাতিসংঘের প্রতিবেদনের পর হাসিনার ওপর চাপ বেড়েছে, দেশে ফেরাতে যা দরকার সব করছি’

ফরেন সার্ভিস একাডেমিতে সংবাদ সম্মেলনে প্রধান উপদেষ্টার প্রেস সচিব শফিকুল আলম এ কথা বলেন।  

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