
Light earthquake jolts Sylhet

Earthquake in Bangladesh

A light tremor jolted Sylhet and its adjoining areas this afternoon.

The 4.1 magnitude earthquake, which lasted for a few seconds, was felt around 1:10pm.

The epicenter of the earthquake was near Gowainghat in Sylhet, some 205 kilometres North East of Dhaka's earthquake observatory, said a Met office bulletin.

The earthquake created panic among inhabitants of Jindabazar area of Sylhet town, reports our Sylhet correspondent.

However, there was no immediate report of damage or casualty.


Light earthquake jolts Sylhet

Earthquake in Bangladesh

A light tremor jolted Sylhet and its adjoining areas this afternoon.

The 4.1 magnitude earthquake, which lasted for a few seconds, was felt around 1:10pm.

The epicenter of the earthquake was near Gowainghat in Sylhet, some 205 kilometres North East of Dhaka's earthquake observatory, said a Met office bulletin.

The earthquake created panic among inhabitants of Jindabazar area of Sylhet town, reports our Sylhet correspondent.

However, there was no immediate report of damage or casualty.


দেশে আর্থিক মন্দা সত্ত্বেও ট্রাক বিক্রি বেড়েছে

সংশ্লিষ্টদের ভাষ্য, অর্থনৈতিক সংকটের কারণে ব্যবসায় মন্দা থাকলেও লজিস্টিকস, ই-কমার্স ও পণ্য উৎপাদন চলমান থাকায় বাণিজ্যিক যানবাহনের চাহিদা আছে।

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