
6 held with Tk 1.20cr fake notes in Dhaka

Detectives detained six persons for producing fake currency and seized counterfeit notes of around Tk 1.20 crore from their possession in Mirpur area of Dhaka. Photo: Star/ Rafiul Islam

- DB conducts drive at Mirpur

- 6 held with Tk 1.20 crore fake notes

Detectives detained six persons for producing fake currency and seized counterfeit notes of around Tk 1.20 crore from their possession in Mirpur area of Dhaka last night.

A team of Detective Branch of police also seized various equipments used for producing fake notes during the drive, said a short message service (SMS) floated by Dhaka Metropolitan Police this morning.

Detective Branch of police also seized various equipments used for producing fake notes during the drive. Photo: Star/ Rafiul Islam

Details about the drive will be made public at a press briefing at the Media Centre of DMP later in the day.


6 held with Tk 1.20cr fake notes in Dhaka

Detectives detained six persons for producing fake currency and seized counterfeit notes of around Tk 1.20 crore from their possession in Mirpur area of Dhaka. Photo: Star/ Rafiul Islam

- DB conducts drive at Mirpur

- 6 held with Tk 1.20 crore fake notes

Detectives detained six persons for producing fake currency and seized counterfeit notes of around Tk 1.20 crore from their possession in Mirpur area of Dhaka last night.

A team of Detective Branch of police also seized various equipments used for producing fake notes during the drive, said a short message service (SMS) floated by Dhaka Metropolitan Police this morning.

Detective Branch of police also seized various equipments used for producing fake notes during the drive. Photo: Star/ Rafiul Islam

Details about the drive will be made public at a press briefing at the Media Centre of DMP later in the day.


‘চাকরি ফিরিয়ে না দিলে সন্তানদের নিয়েই রাস্তায় শহীদ হয়ে যাবো’

ঘটনাস্থলে কাফনের কাপড় পরিহিত এক নারীকে দেখা যায় তার দুই শিশু সন্তানকে পাশে নিয়ে স্লোগান দিতে। কাফনের কাপড় পরিহিত ছয় বছরের শিশুটি একটু পর পর মায়ের চোখ মুছে দিচ্ছিল।

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