
DCs, UNOs can disburse teachers' salary

The Education Ministry today issued a directive requiring the deputy commissioners and upazila nirbahi officers (UNOs) to sign the salary bills of private school and college teachers and employees in case of any complicacies under the existing system though which their salaries are disbursed with signatures of the governing body chiefs of these institutions.

"The directive has been issued in line with a recent decision of the Supreme Court," according to the ministry spokesman told BSS.

The apex court recently issued the order as it pronounced a verdict barring parliament members to be the governing body chairmen of private collages' and schools.


DCs, UNOs can disburse teachers' salary

The Education Ministry today issued a directive requiring the deputy commissioners and upazila nirbahi officers (UNOs) to sign the salary bills of private school and college teachers and employees in case of any complicacies under the existing system though which their salaries are disbursed with signatures of the governing body chiefs of these institutions.

"The directive has been issued in line with a recent decision of the Supreme Court," according to the ministry spokesman told BSS.

The apex court recently issued the order as it pronounced a verdict barring parliament members to be the governing body chairmen of private collages' and schools.


সাবেক মন্ত্রী-প্রতিমন্ত্রীসহ ১৬ জন আন্তর্জাতিক অপরাধ ট্রাইব্যুনালে

তাদের মধ্যে আছেন—আনিসুল হক, আমির হোসেন আমু, কামরুল ইসলাম, লেফটেন্যান্ট কর্নেল (অব.) ফারুক খান, কৃষিমন্ত্রী আবদুর রাজ্জাক, রাশেদ খান মেনন, হাসানুল হক ইনু, তৌফিক-ই-এলাহী চৌধুরী, কামাল আহমেদ মজুমদার,...

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