
Hijras, ethnic groups to get SME loans

Bangladesh's hijra community voices outrage Thursday after nearly all those appointed to government jobs set aside for transgenders are disqualified after an official medical test deemed them fully male. Star file photo.

Hijras, differently abled persons, and ethnic groups of Bangladesh will receive bank loans for setting up their own business from now on.

The central bank today issued a notice to all scheduled banks notifying them to take steps to bring these underprivileged sections within the SME activities.

The move to encourage the underprivileged population for small and medium enterprises (SME) comes a year after the Bangladesh government recognised Hijras as the third gender.

People belonging to ethnic groups including the Rakhine, challenged persons and "underprivileged women entrepreneurs" will also come inside the SME activities, the notice said.

Previously, there was no legal framework in this regard.

Now, the above mentioned populace will be eligible to take the loans directly or via a non-government (NGO) linkage inside the SME loan activities of the apex bank.

The circular, dated today, was signed by Swapan Kumar Roy, general manager of Bangladesh Bank, and forwarded to chiefs of all scheduled banks and financial institutions.


Hijras, ethnic groups to get SME loans

Bangladesh's hijra community voices outrage Thursday after nearly all those appointed to government jobs set aside for transgenders are disqualified after an official medical test deemed them fully male. Star file photo.

Hijras, differently abled persons, and ethnic groups of Bangladesh will receive bank loans for setting up their own business from now on.

The central bank today issued a notice to all scheduled banks notifying them to take steps to bring these underprivileged sections within the SME activities.

The move to encourage the underprivileged population for small and medium enterprises (SME) comes a year after the Bangladesh government recognised Hijras as the third gender.

People belonging to ethnic groups including the Rakhine, challenged persons and "underprivileged women entrepreneurs" will also come inside the SME activities, the notice said.

Previously, there was no legal framework in this regard.

Now, the above mentioned populace will be eligible to take the loans directly or via a non-government (NGO) linkage inside the SME loan activities of the apex bank.

The circular, dated today, was signed by Swapan Kumar Roy, general manager of Bangladesh Bank, and forwarded to chiefs of all scheduled banks and financial institutions.


লালমনিরহাটের পাটগ্রাম উপজেলার বুড়িমারী স্থলবন্দরে কর্মহীন শ্রমিক। ছবি: সংগৃহীত

পাথর আমদানি বন্ধ, বুড়িমারীর ২৫ হাজার শ্রমিকের কর্মহীন দিন

সংশ্লিষ্টরা বলছেন, বুড়িমারী স্থলবন্দরে আমদানি-রপ্তানির ৮০ শতাংশ দখল করে আছে এই পাথর-বাণিজ্য। আমদানি বন্ধ থাকায় প্রতিদিন দেড় কোটি টাকার রাজস্ব হারাচ্ছে সরকার।

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