
Workers of 7 jute mills on strike in Khulna

Workers of seven state-owned jute mills in Khulna went on an indefinite strike yesterday to press home their five-point demand.

CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) and non-CBA Oikya Parishad of the seven jute mills -- Crescent Jute Mills, Platinum Jute Mills, Khalispur Jute Mills, Star Jute Mills, Eastern Jute Mills, Jessore Jute Mills and Carpeting Jute Mills -- enforced the strike from the morning.

The workers' demands include adequate allocation to the jute industry, payment of arrears, formation of a wage board and stopping the move to privatise the state-owned jute mills.

Mohammad Sohrab Hossain, convener of the Oikya Parishad, said they would go for a road blockade programme today if the government failed to meet their demands.

They had given an ultimatum to the government on March 16 to meet their demands by April 3.


Workers of 7 jute mills on strike in Khulna

Workers of seven state-owned jute mills in Khulna went on an indefinite strike yesterday to press home their five-point demand.

CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) and non-CBA Oikya Parishad of the seven jute mills -- Crescent Jute Mills, Platinum Jute Mills, Khalispur Jute Mills, Star Jute Mills, Eastern Jute Mills, Jessore Jute Mills and Carpeting Jute Mills -- enforced the strike from the morning.

The workers' demands include adequate allocation to the jute industry, payment of arrears, formation of a wage board and stopping the move to privatise the state-owned jute mills.

Mohammad Sohrab Hossain, convener of the Oikya Parishad, said they would go for a road blockade programme today if the government failed to meet their demands.

They had given an ultimatum to the government on March 16 to meet their demands by April 3.


ওমানে তৌহিদ-জয়শঙ্কর বৈঠক: দ্বিপক্ষীয় চ্যালেঞ্জ মোকাবিলায় একসঙ্গে কাজ করার ওপর গুরুত্বারোপ

বৈঠকে তৌহিদ হোসেন গঙ্গা নদীর পানি চুক্তির নবায়নের বিষয়ে আলোচনা শুরুর প্রয়োজনীয়তা তুলে ধরেন।

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