Aegri Somnia
Darkness on a piece of paper
Black soaks the white
In a motion slower than the ceiling fan
That struggles to cool
With heat inside that's untouchable
And in the corner of the eye
In the clear corner of the tired eye
That wants to surrender to sleep
The tall dark apparition of the cabinet
Comes alive every second,
Gets larger and creeps in
Through the crevices curved by tiredness
Administering the excitement of fear
That recognizes the unknown
After knowing the unrecognizable:
The dark ghastly figure of a disfigured thought
Darker than darkness, there and not there
The excitement of witnessing
The real and not real
In the territory of time
Claimed by dreams
I keep my eyes open
To see nothing
And after seeing it
I cannot close my eyes.
But in this little room that melts the bones
This room with walls that move
Could distant themselves like humans do
Yet they chose to close in,
Standing where they stand:
Square domes, Fibonacci spiral
The sound of sweat—an image from dream
Escapes the eyes and there
There on the ceiling
A certain slant of light
For a moment briefer than a second
Finds its way through the curtain
That conspires with the wind to conjure
A reality that is as unreal
As life itself.
Hisham M Nazer is Assistant Professor, Department of English, Varendra University.