People flood Coke Studio Bangla concert despite repeated calls for 'boycott'

Amid much controversy and calls for a boycott on social media-- Coke Studio Bangla 2.0 Live Concert has been flooded with people this evening at Army Stadium.
Since its announcement, the concert has faced numerous controversies, including calls for a boycott and artistes being unhappy with the event.

Their lineup includes artistes from both seasons like Shayan Chowdhury Arnob, Animes Roy, Pantho Kanai, Momotaz Begum, Mizan Rahman, Ritu Raj, Sanzida Mahmood Nandita, Nigar Sultana Sumi, Jalali Set, Ripon Kumar Sarkar (Boga), Sunidhi Nayak, Soumyadeep Sikdar (Murshidabadi), Kaniz Khandaker Mitu, Md Makhon Mia, Rubayat Rehman, Shanila Islam, Armeen Musa, and Ghashphoring Choir, Riad Hasan, Pollob Vai, Meghdol, Jahura Baul, Sohana (Daughter of Coastal), Mukul Mojumder Ishaan, Pritom Hasan, Islam Uddin Palakar, Fazlu Majhi, Emon Chowdhury, Arfan Mredha Shiblu, Aleya Begum, Fuad Al Muqtadir, Bappa Mazumder, and Hamida Banu.

The premises is entirely full, even the VIP gallery is filled with people who came to enjoy the concert comprising popular artistes of the country.
However, the calls for boycott stem from the fact that Coca Cola is a product based in the USA, who is an ally of Israel, and is 'supporting' them in Israel's attempted takeover of Gaza in the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Earlier, James' name was also included in the lineup which was later announced as a false information. However, till tge beginning of the concert today, audiences were still hoping that Nagarbaul and James would perform today, which ultimately did not happen.