
What is happening with Arbovirus?

What is happening with Arbovirus?
A picture with the current lineup, from the band's previous show.

Arbovirus is a staple rock band of the 00's, broke into the scene with their landmark album "64m 53s". After almost two decades of dominance, the band has now parted ways with most of their iconic members, including Sufi Maverick, Asif Asgar Ranjan, Aldnane Alam and Nafeez Al Amin.

However, fans showed excitement when a post appeared from Arbovirus's official page, "A band is not a single person's vanity project. Sufi is back, and he will explain why he felt the need to leave the band. The others never left, and the misinformation being spread will soon be addressed. Stay tuned (and stay #infected)."

Even though the post when viral on social media, Suharto Sherif, the band's guitarist and current leader, confirmed to The Daily Star that the page was hacked. "Access to both the Arbovirus Facebook page and my personal account was lost. I have recovered access to my account but we are still trying to recover the band page," said Suharto.

He further clarified that the band has not heard anything from Sufi about returning, rather, he is to leave for abroad soon.

Regarding the situation, Sufi Maverick told The Daily Star that he is on vacation at his village in Rajshahi and had no clue about what's actually happening.

However, he confirmed that the band page was not hacked, rather, the rest of the previous band members were removed from the admin accessibility. According to Sufi, that is 'unethical'.

"Many unethical things have happened in the band, but very soon, we the 'original members' will come up with a press release explaining everything," he said.

Meanwhile, the comment section of the post is getting flooded with various reactions from fans. Many are expressing joy, while some are in doubt—what would the band do with two vocalists!

Last year on June, Sufi Maverick announced his departure from the band. "I resigned from my band for personal reasons," he wrote in a Facebook post.


What is happening with Arbovirus?

What is happening with Arbovirus?
A picture with the current lineup, from the band's previous show.

Arbovirus is a staple rock band of the 00's, broke into the scene with their landmark album "64m 53s". After almost two decades of dominance, the band has now parted ways with most of their iconic members, including Sufi Maverick, Asif Asgar Ranjan, Aldnane Alam and Nafeez Al Amin.

However, fans showed excitement when a post appeared from Arbovirus's official page, "A band is not a single person's vanity project. Sufi is back, and he will explain why he felt the need to leave the band. The others never left, and the misinformation being spread will soon be addressed. Stay tuned (and stay #infected)."

Even though the post when viral on social media, Suharto Sherif, the band's guitarist and current leader, confirmed to The Daily Star that the page was hacked. "Access to both the Arbovirus Facebook page and my personal account was lost. I have recovered access to my account but we are still trying to recover the band page," said Suharto.

He further clarified that the band has not heard anything from Sufi about returning, rather, he is to leave for abroad soon.

Regarding the situation, Sufi Maverick told The Daily Star that he is on vacation at his village in Rajshahi and had no clue about what's actually happening.

However, he confirmed that the band page was not hacked, rather, the rest of the previous band members were removed from the admin accessibility. According to Sufi, that is 'unethical'.

"Many unethical things have happened in the band, but very soon, we the 'original members' will come up with a press release explaining everything," he said.

Meanwhile, the comment section of the post is getting flooded with various reactions from fans. Many are expressing joy, while some are in doubt—what would the band do with two vocalists!

Last year on June, Sufi Maverick announced his departure from the band. "I resigned from my band for personal reasons," he wrote in a Facebook post.


এনজিও অর্থায়ন: নতুন উৎস খুঁজতে হবে বাংলাদেশকে

উন্নয়ন খাতে বিদেশি সহায়তা ক্রমাগত কমতে থাকায় প্রান্তিক জনগোষ্ঠীকে সহায়তাকারী এনজিওগুলোর কার্যক্রম টিকিয়ে রাখতে বাংলাদেশকে বিকল্প তহবিলের উৎস খুঁজতে হবে বলে মনে করছেন বিশেষজ্ঞরা।

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