Five Bangla films that show what love is

Bangla Cinemas have always strayed away from the quintessential depictions of love, emanating essences of psychology and the complex relationships of life. Be it the perils of delusion or simply the pain of being away from your loved one, Bangla films are un-paralled in their depiction of love. This Valentine's Day, grab a cup of tea and your loved one and immerse in the movies suggested below.
Apur Sansar (1959)
This iconic film by Satyajit Ray is revered in pop culture. Who hasn't heard the dialogue "I am well, but my heart is unwell. It will heal when you come" This movie delves deep into the formation of love as a form of companionship and what it means to live with and without love. The movie explores grief, pain and layers of self-discovery. If you want to dedicate your loved one a movie this Valentine's, this could be the right choice for you.
Baishey Shravana (1960)
This movie by Mrinal Sen captures the reality of life and love in an unfiltered version. Love takes place in the socioeconomic context of an individual and indeed it has its ups and down. This movie shows how the bonds of love often can't bear the strains of reality, and when it falters, it tears a lot down. These aspects of love are rarely talked about and this movie being a raw depiction of that is certainly a must watch.
Chitrangada: The Crowning Wish (2012)
Does love follow the norms of gender and society? How does it feel to be betrayed by the one you undertook a lot for? These questions come to one's mind all the time. However, typical portrayals of love never answer these. To soothe one's mind and to expand one's thoughts about love, this movie by Rituparno Ghosh is a piece of art you can't miss.
Yugant (1995)
Does love have an expiry date? If not, then what goes wrong in so many cases? Can broken bonds be redeemed? Aparna Sen explores these issues in this movie. In the context of a modern marriage, this movie depicts the dichotomies of individualism and companionship, gender norms and freedom and love and hatred.
Projapoti Biskut (2017)
This movie shows an aspect of love we rarely talk about. That familial norms and curbed individual freedom can impact a relationship heavily. In cases like these, going back to one's inherent self-empowers not only the individuals, but the bond they share. If you feel lost by the impositions of love and responsibility, this is an ideal watch for you.
So, grab some popcorn and let the watch begin!