TV & Film

‘I have received the divorce letter, please don’t disrespect my ex-wife’

‘I have received the divorce letter, please don’t disrespect my ex-wife’
Photo: Collected

Pori Moni had sent divorce letter to her husband Sariful Razz, on September 17. 

After receiving the divorce papers, Razz spoke to The Daily Star this Friday afternoon.

He said, "I have received the divorce letter from my ex-wife. I respect her decision. I want to express my gratitude and convey my best wishes to her for giving me the best achievement of my life, Rajya. I will always strive to be a good father to my son in any way I can."

"He further added, "I request to my well-wishers to refrain from any actions that may disrespect the mother of my child. At the same time, I hope for all of my well-wishers' cooperation in keeping my personal life's events personal."

In 2021, on October 17, Pori Moni and Sariful Razz tied the knot. After that they had a reception on January 22, 2022, with the blessing of their family and loved ones. Their son, Shahim Muhammad Rajya, was born on August 10, 2022.


‘I have received the divorce letter, please don’t disrespect my ex-wife’

‘I have received the divorce letter, please don’t disrespect my ex-wife’
Photo: Collected

Pori Moni had sent divorce letter to her husband Sariful Razz, on September 17. 

After receiving the divorce papers, Razz spoke to The Daily Star this Friday afternoon.

He said, "I have received the divorce letter from my ex-wife. I respect her decision. I want to express my gratitude and convey my best wishes to her for giving me the best achievement of my life, Rajya. I will always strive to be a good father to my son in any way I can."

"He further added, "I request to my well-wishers to refrain from any actions that may disrespect the mother of my child. At the same time, I hope for all of my well-wishers' cooperation in keeping my personal life's events personal."

In 2021, on October 17, Pori Moni and Sariful Razz tied the knot. After that they had a reception on January 22, 2022, with the blessing of their family and loved ones. Their son, Shahim Muhammad Rajya, was born on August 10, 2022.


‘চাকরি ফিরিয়ে না দিলে সন্তানদের নিয়েই রাস্তায় শহীদ হয়ে যাবো’

ঘটনাস্থলে কাফনের কাপড় পরিহিত এক নারীকে দেখা যায় তার দুই শিশু সন্তানকে পাশে নিয়ে স্লোগান দিতে। কাফনের কাপড় পরিহিত ছয় বছরের শিশুটি একটু পর পর মায়ের চোখ মুছে দিচ্ছিল।

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