TV & Film

Razz leaves home amidst Pori Moni's high fever

Razz leaves home amidst Pori Moni's high fever
Photo: Taken from Facebook

On August 10, Pori Moni arranged a birthday party to celebrate her son Shahim Mohammad Rajya's first birthday. Although many close ones were invited to the function, Sariful Razz was not seen at his son's first birthday celebration.

Just after a week, the news of Pori and Razz reuniting went viral all over social media. On Thursday, the two went to Gaan Bangla's office upon the invitation of Kaushik Hossain Taposh and Farzana Munny to celebrate Rajya's birthday. Several photos from the celebration were uploaded on Facebook by Taposh himself.

Seeing the photos, people assumed that they had forgotten the bitterness and got back together. However, the real scenario doesn't seem to be the same. 

The daily Prothom Alo reported that Pori has been suffering from high fever since last night. She was supposed to go to the hospital today for her treatment. Amidst her bad health, Razz has apparently left the house.

Earlier, in an interview with the same newspaper, Razz shared that he has been spending time with Rajya after a long time.

In several interviews with multiple other outlets, Razz gave positive statements like they are happy together and their problems have been sorted out. He also said that before his child, the mother of his child matters the most.


Razz leaves home amidst Pori Moni's high fever

Razz leaves home amidst Pori Moni's high fever
Photo: Taken from Facebook

On August 10, Pori Moni arranged a birthday party to celebrate her son Shahim Mohammad Rajya's first birthday. Although many close ones were invited to the function, Sariful Razz was not seen at his son's first birthday celebration.

Just after a week, the news of Pori and Razz reuniting went viral all over social media. On Thursday, the two went to Gaan Bangla's office upon the invitation of Kaushik Hossain Taposh and Farzana Munny to celebrate Rajya's birthday. Several photos from the celebration were uploaded on Facebook by Taposh himself.

Seeing the photos, people assumed that they had forgotten the bitterness and got back together. However, the real scenario doesn't seem to be the same. 

The daily Prothom Alo reported that Pori has been suffering from high fever since last night. She was supposed to go to the hospital today for her treatment. Amidst her bad health, Razz has apparently left the house.

Earlier, in an interview with the same newspaper, Razz shared that he has been spending time with Rajya after a long time.

In several interviews with multiple other outlets, Razz gave positive statements like they are happy together and their problems have been sorted out. He also said that before his child, the mother of his child matters the most.


সংহতির অভাব সরকারের সংস্কার প্রচেষ্টার গুরুত্বপূর্ণ চ্যালেঞ্জ: নাহিদ

সংহতির অভাব সরকারের সংস্কার প্রচেষ্টার একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ চ্যালেঞ্জ হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে বলে বাসসকে জানিয়েছেন তথ্য ও সম্প্রচার মন্ত্রণালয়ের উপদেষ্টা মো. নাহিদ ইসলাম।

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