TV & Film

Sabila Nur hospitalised

Photo: Taken from Facebook

Popular actress Sabila Nur has been admitted to a hospital in the capital city. On Thursday afternoon, Sabila posted a picture on her Facebook profile from the hospital, showing an IV attached to her hand. Using heart emojis, she captioned it, "Keep me in your hearts for a while." She ended the post with the hashtag 'dengue.'

To learn more about the actress's condition, Sabila's husband, Nehal Taher was contacted. He was by her side at the hospital. Nehal said, "For the past five days, Sabila has been suffering from a fever. On September 9th, the fever started. It reached 103 to 104 degrees at night."

Nehal continued, "Initially, we thought that with regular fever medication, she would get better. We continued with that treatment. However, the fever did not subside entirely. It was hovering around. Finally, yesterday we admitted her to the hospital."

"After a blood test, Dengue came back negative," Nehal said. "However, other symptoms of Dengue were present in her blood tests. Initially, her platelet count was 120,000. Her blood pressure had also dropped. She was in severe pain throughout her body, and she still is to some extent."

Nehal further explained, "Now the fever has reduced a bit, and she is feeling somewhat better than before. However, she will be under observation for 48 hours after all her blood tests and physical condition are checked by a specialist doctor who will visit tonight. If everything is okay according to the specialist's assessment, they may be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."


Sabila Nur hospitalised

Photo: Taken from Facebook

Popular actress Sabila Nur has been admitted to a hospital in the capital city. On Thursday afternoon, Sabila posted a picture on her Facebook profile from the hospital, showing an IV attached to her hand. Using heart emojis, she captioned it, "Keep me in your hearts for a while." She ended the post with the hashtag 'dengue.'

To learn more about the actress's condition, Sabila's husband, Nehal Taher was contacted. He was by her side at the hospital. Nehal said, "For the past five days, Sabila has been suffering from a fever. On September 9th, the fever started. It reached 103 to 104 degrees at night."

Nehal continued, "Initially, we thought that with regular fever medication, she would get better. We continued with that treatment. However, the fever did not subside entirely. It was hovering around. Finally, yesterday we admitted her to the hospital."

"After a blood test, Dengue came back negative," Nehal said. "However, other symptoms of Dengue were present in her blood tests. Initially, her platelet count was 120,000. Her blood pressure had also dropped. She was in severe pain throughout her body, and she still is to some extent."

Nehal further explained, "Now the fever has reduced a bit, and she is feeling somewhat better than before. However, she will be under observation for 48 hours after all her blood tests and physical condition are checked by a specialist doctor who will visit tonight. If everything is okay according to the specialist's assessment, they may be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."


যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের নবনির্বাচিত প্রেসিডেন্ট ডোনাল্ড ট্রাম্প। ছবি: এএফপি

শপথ নিয়েই জন্মসূত্রে মার্কিন নাগরিকত্ব বাতিল করতে চান ট্রাম্প

গতকাল ওয়াশিংটন ডিসির অ্যারেনায় বিজয় সমাবেশে ট্রাম্প বাইডেন প্রশাসনের ‘ভুলে ভরা’ সব আদেশ বাতিলের প্রতিশ্রুতি দিয়েছেন।
