
‘Save tiger’ awareness campaign starts Feb 11

AFP file photo of a tiger in the Sundarbans.

A two-year-long national awareness campaign to save tigers will begin on February 11.

Currently, Bangladesh has only 106 tigers left, said Md Yunus Ali, chief forest conservator, at a press briefing in Dhaka’s The Daily Star Centre today.

In the campaign, initially a ‘Tiger Caravan’ will visit 100 strategic points along with a theatre troupe to raise awareness. Gradually, concerts, mobile apps and social media engagement will follow.

Md Yunus Ali, chief forest conservator, speaking at the press briefing on the two-year campaign to save the tigers of Bangladesh, held at The Daily Star Centre on February 3, 2016. Photo: Palash Khan

The campaign is being launched as part of Bengal Tiger Conservation Activity (Bagh), a joint project of Bangladesh government and United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

“We hope our initiative will educate people about this rare species of feline and help prevent their extinction,” said Md Nasir Uddin, communication specialist at USAID’s Bagh Activity project.

The Daily Star is one of the media partner of this two year-long campaign. 


‘Save tiger’ awareness campaign starts Feb 11

AFP file photo of a tiger in the Sundarbans.

A two-year-long national awareness campaign to save tigers will begin on February 11.

Currently, Bangladesh has only 106 tigers left, said Md Yunus Ali, chief forest conservator, at a press briefing in Dhaka’s The Daily Star Centre today.

In the campaign, initially a ‘Tiger Caravan’ will visit 100 strategic points along with a theatre troupe to raise awareness. Gradually, concerts, mobile apps and social media engagement will follow.

Md Yunus Ali, chief forest conservator, speaking at the press briefing on the two-year campaign to save the tigers of Bangladesh, held at The Daily Star Centre on February 3, 2016. Photo: Palash Khan

The campaign is being launched as part of Bengal Tiger Conservation Activity (Bagh), a joint project of Bangladesh government and United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

“We hope our initiative will educate people about this rare species of feline and help prevent their extinction,” said Md Nasir Uddin, communication specialist at USAID’s Bagh Activity project.

The Daily Star is one of the media partner of this two year-long campaign. 


জলকামান-লাঠিচার্জ করে শাহবাগ মোড় থেকে আন্দোলনকারীদের সরাল পুলিশ

দুপুর আড়াইটার দিকে অবরোধকারীদের রাস্তা থেকে সরাতে লাঠিচার্জ ও জলকামান ব্যবহার শুরু করে পুলিশ। সেখান থেকে বেশ কয়েকজনকে আটক করে নিয়ে যেতেও দেখা যায়। আন্দোনকারীরা ছত্রভঙ্গ হয়ে গেলে ব্যস্ততম এই মোড়...

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