Climate crisis

Gas from thawing permafrost could add further to global warming: study

French biologist and leading scientist at Takuvik Joint International Laboratory, Florent Domine, one of the scientists studying the temperature changes of the permafrost in the Canadian Arctic, sets up equipment to detect temperature changes in the tundra near Kuujjuarapik, Quebec, Canada on December 5, 2014. Photo: AFP

Arctic permafrost that is thawing due to global warming is releasing greenhouse gases, further compounding the problem of climate change, according to a study released on Thursday.

As the permafrost thaws, changes in the way its soil microbes function and the soil carbon decomposes add to the emissions of carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere, according to the study by US and Chinese scientists.

Carbon dioxide and methane are the main greenhouse gases that trap heat and contribute to climate change.

Permafrost is the perennially frozen ground that covers a quarter of the land in the Northern Hemisphere, primarily in the Arctic, said the study published in the monthly Nature Climate Change journal.

Working in Alaska, researchers warmed plots of tundra to thaw the permafrost and after 18 months found numerous changes in the soil microbes, it said.

"This study highlights the critical role that microbes play in mediating carbon losses from Arctic soils," said Susan Natali, a scientist at Woods Hole Research Center in Massachusetts and co-author of the Nature Climate Change paper, in a statement.

"The rapid response of the microbial community to warming suggests that the large store of soil carbon currently contained in permafrost will be highly susceptible to decomposition once it is thawed."

Previous studies have suggested that permafrost could decline by as much as 70 percent by the end of the century, according to the statement.


Gas from thawing permafrost could add further to global warming: study

French biologist and leading scientist at Takuvik Joint International Laboratory, Florent Domine, one of the scientists studying the temperature changes of the permafrost in the Canadian Arctic, sets up equipment to detect temperature changes in the tundra near Kuujjuarapik, Quebec, Canada on December 5, 2014. Photo: AFP

Arctic permafrost that is thawing due to global warming is releasing greenhouse gases, further compounding the problem of climate change, according to a study released on Thursday.

As the permafrost thaws, changes in the way its soil microbes function and the soil carbon decomposes add to the emissions of carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere, according to the study by US and Chinese scientists.

Carbon dioxide and methane are the main greenhouse gases that trap heat and contribute to climate change.

Permafrost is the perennially frozen ground that covers a quarter of the land in the Northern Hemisphere, primarily in the Arctic, said the study published in the monthly Nature Climate Change journal.

Working in Alaska, researchers warmed plots of tundra to thaw the permafrost and after 18 months found numerous changes in the soil microbes, it said.

"This study highlights the critical role that microbes play in mediating carbon losses from Arctic soils," said Susan Natali, a scientist at Woods Hole Research Center in Massachusetts and co-author of the Nature Climate Change paper, in a statement.

"The rapid response of the microbial community to warming suggests that the large store of soil carbon currently contained in permafrost will be highly susceptible to decomposition once it is thawed."

Previous studies have suggested that permafrost could decline by as much as 70 percent by the end of the century, according to the statement.


যত দ্রুত সম্ভব নির্বাচন, ডিসেম্বরেও হতে পারে: দুবাই সামিটে প্রধান উপদেষ্টা

ড. ইউনূস বলেন, নির্বাচিত সরকারের কাছে ক্ষমতা হস্তান্তরের পর আমি যে কাজে ছিলাম, সেখানেই ফিরে যাব।

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