Climate Change

Climate Change

You are the cause of climate change, we are the result: Yunus to developed countries

The Paris Agreement, the global accord for limiting the effects of climate change, won't work as long as the world sticks with the current economic system, Chief Adviser Muhammad Yunus said yesterday

3d ago

World's first CO2 storage service soon ready in Norway

The aim is to prevent the emissions from being released into the atmosphere, and thereby help halt climate change.

4d ago

Khulna sees drop in average rainfall over four decades

Study says it could have critical implications for water resources, agricultural practices

5d ago

Net zero goal critical to Earth's stability: study

If left unchecked, global warming could set in motion dangerous and irreversible changes to planetary systems such as the disappearance of ice sheets or a collapse of ocean currents.

1m ago

No denying we’re victims of climate change, but we’re leaders of solutions, responses

The world is still not taking climate change seriously enough, even though the annual United Nations Conferences of Parties (COPs) try to focus minds on the urgency of the task

2m ago

500-metre green belt to be built in coastal areas: Saber

Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister Saber Hossain Chowdhury today said 17 percent of Bangladesh will be submerged in water due to the rise in sea level

3m ago

Climate Change: Bangladesh may lose a third of agri output by 2050

Climate variability could result in the loss of one-third of Bangladesh’s agricultural GDP by 2050, said a recent World Bank report.

3m ago

Financial pledge needed to tackle climate change

Tackling the impacts of climate change in Bangladesh requires substantial financial commitment, but the upcoming fiscal year's budget allocation falls short, experts said at a programme today

3m ago

An effective platform for branding Bangladesh

The 25th Conference of Parties (COP25) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) ended just days ago.

4y ago

UN climate talks unravelling, face failure

A UN climate summit in Madrid risked collapsing after all-night negotiations between countries left them more divided than ever over on how to fight global warming and pay for its ravages.

4y ago

Climate Change tops list of global worries for young people: Amnesty

Four out of 10 young people view climate change as one of the most important issues facing the world, an Amnesty International survey on the state of human rights shows.

4y ago

Nobel science laureates stress urgency of addressing climate

Nobel Prize laureates gathers in Stockholm to receive their awards took the opportunity to stress the importance of addressing climate change.

4y ago

Floods predicted to uproot 50m yearly as climate heats up

The number of people at risk of being forced from their homes by river flooding could surge to as many as 50 million a year by the end of the century if governments do not step up action to tackle climate change, researchers warn.

4y ago

Choose hope or climate surrender: UN chief

Confronted with a climate crisis threatening civilisation itself, humanity must choose between hope and surrender, UN chief Antonio Guterres tells the opening plenary of a UN climate conference.

4y ago

PM urges int’l community to adopt appropriate climate action plan

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina calls upon the international community to adopt a time-befitting climate action plan and implement all provisions of Paris Agreement and other relevant global instruments and mechanisms to stop further degradation of environment.

4y ago

Poor nations pay price as millions flee 'climate chaos', Oxfam says

Fiercer weather and worsening wildfires drove more than 20 million people from their homes over the last decade - a problem set to worsen unless leaders act swiftly to head off surging climate threats, anti-poverty charity Oxfam says.

4y ago

Blue energy: Can it power a sustainable future?

Ever since global warming became a hot button issue, our leaders have told us umpteen times that “climate change is the greatest environmental threat and the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced.” Yet, they are not “bold enough to do enough” to pull us out of the climate change conundrum soon enough.

4y ago

‘Accept your failure to check carbon emission’

Global leaders have entirely failed to check carbon emission and reduce climate change risks, particularly at the affected countries like Bangladesh, Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) Executive Director Iftekharuzzaman says.

5y ago