Around 1,000 turtles seized in Chandpur

The Wildlife Crime Control Unit (WCCU) of the Forest Department has seized approximately 1,000 turtles of three different species from Chandpur.
Acting on a tip-off, a team from the WCCU conducted an overnight raid on Kalibari Road, Doabhanga, Shahrashti and Chandpur town and seized the turtles, according to a press release issued by the unit.
Among the seized turtles, 500kg were of Sundhi species, 280kg of Kori Kaita, and 20kg were of Yellow, the release said.
From locals and traders, the WCCU came to know that a group of unscrupulous individuals had been operating this illegal trade for an extended period.
The WCCU, in their press release, claimed that this was the largest freshwater turtle seizure in their history.
The seized turtles will be released into natural water bodies, the release added.