Sundarbans & Forest

The extinct species of Bangladesh


Nilgais were found in the north of Bangladesh until 1940s when they were last sighted in Tetulia and were declared extinct from this country.

Nilgais fighting. Photo taken from Wikipedia


Bantengs were found in the forests in Chittagong Hill-tracts region.

Male and female Bantengs in captivity. Photo taken from Wikipedia

They were last sighted in the 1930s.

Wild Water Buffalo:

Wild water buffalos were once widely distributed in the south-western regions of Bangladesh.

Wild Water Buffalos. Photo taken from Wikipedia

Hunting and habitat loss caused them to become extinct during the early 1940s.

Indian Peafowl:

Indian Peafowl (male). Photo taken from Wikipedia

Indian peafowls were widely distributed at Shalban in Gazipur, in Madhupur, and in the north Bengal.

Indian Peafowl (female). Photo taken from Wikipedia

They also became extinct owing to loss of habitat during the early 1980s.

Pink Headed Duck:

Stuffed Pink Headed Duck. Photo taken from Wikipedia

Pink headed ducks were found in Bangladesh, India and Myanmar at the Teesta-Brahmaputra confluence until early 20th century when this species became globally extinct owing to hunting and loss of habitat.  

Apart from these 13 species, some others are also afraid to have become extinct from Bangladesh.

Sloth Bear. Photo taken from Wikipedia

These include Sloth Bears and White Winged Duck, which were found in the forests in Chittagong Hill-tracts region,

White Winged Duck. Photo taken from Wikipedia
Bengal Florican. Photo taken from Wikipedia

and Bengal Floricans, which were found in the north-eastern regions of Bangladesh in Sylhet and Mymensingh. 

Male and female Bengal Floricans in painting. Photo taken from Wikipedia


The extinct species of Bangladesh


Nilgais were found in the north of Bangladesh until 1940s when they were last sighted in Tetulia and were declared extinct from this country.

Nilgais fighting. Photo taken from Wikipedia


Bantengs were found in the forests in Chittagong Hill-tracts region.

Male and female Bantengs in captivity. Photo taken from Wikipedia

They were last sighted in the 1930s.

Wild Water Buffalo:

Wild water buffalos were once widely distributed in the south-western regions of Bangladesh.

Wild Water Buffalos. Photo taken from Wikipedia

Hunting and habitat loss caused them to become extinct during the early 1940s.

Indian Peafowl:

Indian Peafowl (male). Photo taken from Wikipedia

Indian peafowls were widely distributed at Shalban in Gazipur, in Madhupur, and in the north Bengal.

Indian Peafowl (female). Photo taken from Wikipedia

They also became extinct owing to loss of habitat during the early 1980s.

Pink Headed Duck:

Stuffed Pink Headed Duck. Photo taken from Wikipedia

Pink headed ducks were found in Bangladesh, India and Myanmar at the Teesta-Brahmaputra confluence until early 20th century when this species became globally extinct owing to hunting and loss of habitat.  

Apart from these 13 species, some others are also afraid to have become extinct from Bangladesh.

Sloth Bear. Photo taken from Wikipedia

These include Sloth Bears and White Winged Duck, which were found in the forests in Chittagong Hill-tracts region,

White Winged Duck. Photo taken from Wikipedia
Bengal Florican. Photo taken from Wikipedia

and Bengal Floricans, which were found in the north-eastern regions of Bangladesh in Sylhet and Mymensingh. 

Male and female Bengal Floricans in painting. Photo taken from Wikipedia


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রয়েছে আইনশৃঙ্খলা বাহিনী কর্তব্যরত অবস্থায় বডি ক্যামেরা রাখা এবং মারণাস্ত্র ও ছররা গুলি ব্যবহার নিষিদ্ধ করার প্রস্তাবও।

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