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Lailatul Qadr tonight

Muslims across the country are set to observe the holy Shab-e-Qadr or Lailatul Qadr tonight with due religious solemnity and reverence.

On this night, the first verses of the holy Quran were revealed to Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).

The night is better than 1,000 nights as the angels and the spirit descend therein, by the permission of Almighty Allah with all decrees, according to the holy Quran.

It is likely to occur on one of the odd nights in the last 10 days of Ramadan and most likely to be on the 27th of the holy month.

The devout Muslims traditionally observe the occasion through nightlong special prayers, milad, Quran Khwani and religious discussions at mosques and houses.

Devotees also visit graveyards to seek eternal blessings for the departed souls of their near and dear ones.

Newspapers publish special articles while state-run Bangladesh Betar, Bangladesh Television and private television channels air special programmes, highlighting the significance of Lailatul Qadr.

To the Muslims, the entire month of Ramadan is a period of spiritual training. Besides fasting, they devote themselves to praying, recitation from the holy Quran and charity.

Special prayers and sermons will be held at Baitul Mukarram national mosque and other mosques across the country on the holy night.

The Islamic Foundation will organise a waz mahfil (sermon session) and milad mahfil at Baitul Mukarram at 2:00pm today, said a press release.


Lailatul Qadr tonight

Muslims across the country are set to observe the holy Shab-e-Qadr or Lailatul Qadr tonight with due religious solemnity and reverence.

On this night, the first verses of the holy Quran were revealed to Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).

The night is better than 1,000 nights as the angels and the spirit descend therein, by the permission of Almighty Allah with all decrees, according to the holy Quran.

It is likely to occur on one of the odd nights in the last 10 days of Ramadan and most likely to be on the 27th of the holy month.

The devout Muslims traditionally observe the occasion through nightlong special prayers, milad, Quran Khwani and religious discussions at mosques and houses.

Devotees also visit graveyards to seek eternal blessings for the departed souls of their near and dear ones.

Newspapers publish special articles while state-run Bangladesh Betar, Bangladesh Television and private television channels air special programmes, highlighting the significance of Lailatul Qadr.

To the Muslims, the entire month of Ramadan is a period of spiritual training. Besides fasting, they devote themselves to praying, recitation from the holy Quran and charity.

Special prayers and sermons will be held at Baitul Mukarram national mosque and other mosques across the country on the holy night.

The Islamic Foundation will organise a waz mahfil (sermon session) and milad mahfil at Baitul Mukarram at 2:00pm today, said a press release.


আখেরি মোনাজাতের আগে ইজতেমার মাঠে মানুষের ঢল। ছবি: সংগৃহীত

আখেরি মোনাজাতে অংশ নিতে ইজতেমার মাঠে মুসুল্লিদের ঢল

ভোর ৪ টা থেকে সারাদেশের মুসুল্লিদের ইজতেমা মাঠে জমায়েত হতে দেখা গেছে।

২৭ মিনিট আগে