Impressive health-benefits of egg
Eggs are pretty much the nature's perfect food. For centuries, eggs have been prised for their health-protective properties.
Hair care: Most of the vitamins present in the eggs increase oxygen production and stimulate more blood flow to the scalp. That is why eggs are especially beneficial to the hair.
Skin care: Eating eggs help the body synthesise collagen, which supports skin structure, giving you a flawless appearance. They are a great source of minerals such as potassium, iron, zinc, and folate which are really important for the growth and function of skin cells. If you are looking for an incredible source of Omega-3, eggs can be your best source.
For your nail: Beyond hair and skin care there are also many studies showing that egg containing diets can help to treat nail disorder. Eggs are made up of pure protein and a full range of amino acids and essential fatty acids needed to maintain your nail's structure.
Boosting weight loss: Eggs tend to make you eat fewer calories, helping you to shed extra pounds. A boiled egg comes with 77 calories, 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of healthy fats. Boiled, scrambled, poached, all are great for our health. Many people do not get enough choline in their diet — eggs are an excellent source of choline, an essential micronutrient which is vital for healthy liver function that helps in the process of detoxification.
Improving hormonal balance: Eggs provide a rich source of vitamins A, D, E, Vitamin B complex, calcium, phosphorous, potassium which all are key building blocks for hormonal production, hormonal balance, and healthy skin. Eggs are stuffed with choline, lutein, its effects can keep male hormones in check throughout adulthood.