

Efforts on to create 'unique health ID' for all

Health minister tells JS

12h ago

Pregnant woman dies of 'wrong treatment' at Jashore clinic

A pregnant woman died this afternoon reportedly due to wrong treatment in Rupdia Bazar in Jashore Sadar upazila, family claimed

1d ago

Severe health impacts of child marriage

Researchers in Liberia and Sierra Leone have found a close link between child marriage and negative reproductive and maternal health outcomes among young women.

3d ago

Unlocking the health benefits of Vitamin D

In our daily rush, it is simple to overlook the vital role that vitamin D plays in our health. Often called the sunshine vitamin, it is crucial for building and maintaining strong bones. But what happens when you do not get enough of it?

3d ago

Long COVID linked to lasting cognitive issues

A recent study published in the Brain found that people who suffer from long-term COVID may experience significant cognitive issues lasting for over a year.

3d ago

Chronic and recurrent pneumonia in children: A changing paradigm of a common disease

Pneumonia is a major respiratory problem in children, both in terms of the number of occurrences and the cause of death.

1w ago

DID YOU KNOW? / The benefits of epidural pain relief during labour

A recent study published in the PubMed investigated the impact of epidural pain relief during labour on serious health issues for mothers. The research included over 500,000 women who gave birth in Scotland between 2007 and 2019.

1w ago

Antidepressant discontinuation: what you need to know

If you or someone you know is considering stopping antidepressants, it is crucial to understand potential withdrawal symptoms. A recent study published in The Lancet Psychiatry sheds light on this issue, providing valuable insights for patients and healthcare professionals alike.

1w ago

How can a microorganism affect your heart?

The heart is the most indispensable and valuable organ in the human body. The prime function of the heart is to supply blood throughout the whole body. There is a layer in the four chambers of the heart, which is known as the myocardium. It is an involuntary and striated muscle.

4m ago

E-cigarettes aid smoking cessation: understanding the benefits and consideration

A recent study from Switzerland involving over 1,200 adult smokers found that using e-cigarettes alongside counselling significantly increased the likelihood of quitting smoking compared to counselling alone.

4m ago

Healthcare plagued by lack of anaesthesiologists

Bangladesh’s healthcare system suffers from an acute shortage of anaesthesiologists even though their service is required in surgical and emergency care.

4m ago

Mastering weight loss: the power of small habits for lasting change

Embarking on a weight-loss journey often feels like navigating a roller coaster of ups and downs. However, finding stability amidst this fluctuation is achievable by committing to small, manageable habits that gradually transform into larger, lasting behavioural changes.

4m ago

Women health risk factors after thirty

A working woman or a housemaker, after thirty, is affluent with tones of duties.

4m ago


Selfitis, coined to encapsulate the phenomenon of excessive self-photography for social media, reveals a growing societal trend. Photoholics, or camera enthusiasts, flood platforms like social media with myriad self-portraits, driven by a desire to showcase personal perspectives and cultivate a favourable image.

4m ago

Exploring hormonal shifts in men!

Men are increasingly reporting symptoms akin to those experienced by women during perimenopause and menopause, sparking debate within the medical community regarding male menopause.

4m ago

45 percent women malnourished

Nearly half of the country’s women suffer from malnutrition, with the majority of them being overweight, according to a recent study.

4m ago

A chance for young hearts to beat

Twelve-year-old Yamin Sheikh was born with a heart defect that has only worsened over time. His father Md Motiar Rahman Sheikh, a landless day labourer from Bagerhat, could not afford proper treatment for his little one.

4m ago
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