

Combating non-communicable diseases / Stringent tobacco control a crying need

Speakers comprising health experts and physicians yesterday called for stringent control on use of tobacco products in order to combat the alarming rise of non-communicable diseases.

1w ago

World leaders commit to decisive action on AMR

Globl leaders have approved a political declaration at the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), committing to targets including a 10% reduction in the estimated 4.95 million deaths associated with bacterial AMR by 2030.

1w ago

Navigating the postpartum journey

The postpartum period, often considered the first six weeks after childbirth, is a transformative time filled with physical and emotional changes as new mothers adjust to life with their newborns. While this period can feel overwhelming, it is important to recognise that every woman’s experience

1w ago

Does my medical condition affect my anger?

Experiencing anger is a natural part of being human, but frequent and intense outbursts can harm both your health and relationships. Understanding the possible underlying medical reasons for your anger can help you address the issue effectively. .Dementia and anger .Various forms of

1w ago

Unlocking the Sun’s potential: How daylight influences physical activity and mood in depression

Seasonal changes can significantly impact mood, especially for individuals with mood disorders like major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Many people notice their symptoms worsen during darker, shorter days, but the precise reasons for this have long been unclear.

1w ago

World Rabies Day: A call to action

Every year on September 28, the world observes World Rabies Day, a vital occasion aimed at raising awareness about the prevention of rabies and highlighting progress in combating this deadly disease.

1w ago

Untreated hypertension increases dementia risk

Dementia is one of the most feared outcomes of ageing, affecting millions of individuals and their families worldwide. While genetics and age play significant roles, other modifiable risk factors have garnered attention, particularly hypertension. For years, researchers have explored the complex relationship between high blood pressure and cognitive decline, increasingly recognising hypertension as a major contributor to dementia risk.

1w ago

More than 39 million deaths from antibiotic-resistant infections estimated between now and 2050, suggests first global analysis

More than 39 million deaths from antibiotic-resistant infections could occur by 2050, according to the first global analysis of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) trends.

2w ago

More years of obesity means higher risk of disease

A greater obesity duration is associated with worse values for all cardiometabolic disease factors, according to a new study published recently in PLOS Medicine by Tom Norris of Loughborough University, UK, and colleagues.

3y ago

Get the lead out!

Lead is a toxic metal in the globe. It is one of the most ubiquitously spread toxic metals due to thousands of years of use in many applications.

3y ago

Sixty years of saving lives

icddr,b, better known locally as the ‘Cholera Hospital’, has made many innovations including its landmark innovation of ORS that has saved an estimated 50 million lives globally since its inception in 1960.

3y ago

Dialysis for CKD patients during COVID-19 pandemic

Older adults and those with underlying medical conditions are at a much higher risk for severe illness when infected with COVID, this includes individuals with CKD (chronic kidney disease). Individuals who are on dialysis or who have received a kidney transplant will have weaker immune systems than the general population, which can leave them more vulnerable to COVID infection. Adults who have CKD stage 5 but are not on dialysis or have not had transplant, who are over 70 and are on any form of immunosuppression or have been on one in the past or who has autoimmune inflammation of kidney, are also at very high risk and clinically extremely vulnerable to COVID 19.

3y ago

Covid-19 Home Isolation Services with care kits for remote monitoring

Some coronavirus positive cases may be asymptomatic while a few may experience mild to moderate, or even severe symptoms. As per the latest studies, about 80% of Covid-19 patients experience mild or no symptoms. This implies that a majority of the positive patients can recover at home under remote medical monitoring and care.

3y ago

Huge research gaps need to be addressed in medicinal cannabis industry

Both the popularity and legalisation of medicinal cannabis products are continuing to increase globally. However, an expert on medicinal cannabis, speaking at Euroanaesthesia congress says there are huge gaps in our research knowledge that the cannabis industry and other researchers must address to guarantee the safety and efficacy of these products.

3y ago

THC impairs driving, CBD’s effects unclear

Vaping tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) impairs driving performance, while the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) are uncertain, according to a crossover trial in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). THC-dominant cannabis is typically used recreationally, while CBD-dominant products may be prescribed for medicinal use.

3y ago

CDC shortens COVID-19 quarantine time, sets new travel guidance

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shortened the minimum amount of time people have to quarantine after a potential COVID-19 exposure from 14 days to as few as 7 days.

3y ago

Do’s and don’ts of wearing a mask

When you wear a mask, you are making an effort to protect the health of others in your community and you are also keeping yourself and the people you love safe from COVID-19.

3y ago

Second wave of COVID-19 in Bangladesh and concerns

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), for the first wave of COVID-19 to be over, the number of people testing positive for COVID-19 has to drop below 5%. Bangladesh’s present data says the infection rate is still above 10%. So the first wave of COVID-19 in Bangladesh is continuing and the rate of infection is increasing to some extent.

3y ago