Life & Living

5 health benefits of outdoor activities 

Rejuvinating the body
Photo: Collected

The wonders of nature are often overlooked due to the fast-paced, technology-driven lives we humans lead currently. Nevertheless, reconnecting back with nature by being active outside offers a plethora of health benefits that significantly boost not only our physical but also our mental health. 

We explore some of the best health benefits nature and the great outdoors provide.

Rejuvenating the body

Outdoor activities provide an ideal opportunity to partake in numerous physical exercises, rejuvenating our bodies, and promoting healthy living. Whether you go hiking, cycling, or even the spontaneous challenges of the outdoors greatly improve your cardiovascular fitness and strengthen muscles. Not to mention, it is the best way to get vitamin D, which is essential for our bodies to absorb minerals. Only 5-15 minutes of sun a day gives all the vitamin D our body needs.

Enhancing mental clarity

Most of us are confined to a table and a chair for the majority of the day. Constantly being bombarded with information on screens can create mental fatigue. This takes a huge toll on our mental health. Being outside offers a reprieve from the mundane aspects of our daily lives and declutters our minds. Going outside greatly helps our brain to focus better and also improves memory. All of this results in heightened creativity and increased productivity. 

Reduces stress and anxiety

The reason being active outside is so great for mental health is the fact that it does not come with any side effects! Basically, Cortisol, the hormone indicator of stress in humans significantly goes down when you spend time outdoors. This works even better with low-intensity outdoor activities like yoga and walking. Many office spaces nowadays have nature inside to help people with stress relief. If doing that works, imagine how much more people could benefit just by going outside instead.

Improves sleep quality

Our sleep cycle is dependent on our internal clocks. Lack of sleep can be harmful to our health leading to all sorts of health issues. When we go outside and let the sun hit our body, especially our eyes, this helps our internal clock return to its natural rhythm, which enables us to get better sleep at night. As our sleep improves, so do our lives. A good night's sleep keeps our body energised for the next morning making us more alert and able to concentrate throughout the day.

Connecting with others

Outdoor activities provide an excellent atmosphere for social connections and bonding. You can find others doing the same activities as yourself, or be part of the local sports team. These can help you build confidence by interacting and learning from other individuals too. Engaging in outdoor activities together fosters teamwork, communication, and cooperation, and promotes a sense of belonging and camaraderie. 



5 health benefits of outdoor activities 

Rejuvinating the body
Photo: Collected

The wonders of nature are often overlooked due to the fast-paced, technology-driven lives we humans lead currently. Nevertheless, reconnecting back with nature by being active outside offers a plethora of health benefits that significantly boost not only our physical but also our mental health. 

We explore some of the best health benefits nature and the great outdoors provide.

Rejuvenating the body

Outdoor activities provide an ideal opportunity to partake in numerous physical exercises, rejuvenating our bodies, and promoting healthy living. Whether you go hiking, cycling, or even the spontaneous challenges of the outdoors greatly improve your cardiovascular fitness and strengthen muscles. Not to mention, it is the best way to get vitamin D, which is essential for our bodies to absorb minerals. Only 5-15 minutes of sun a day gives all the vitamin D our body needs.

Enhancing mental clarity

Most of us are confined to a table and a chair for the majority of the day. Constantly being bombarded with information on screens can create mental fatigue. This takes a huge toll on our mental health. Being outside offers a reprieve from the mundane aspects of our daily lives and declutters our minds. Going outside greatly helps our brain to focus better and also improves memory. All of this results in heightened creativity and increased productivity. 

Reduces stress and anxiety

The reason being active outside is so great for mental health is the fact that it does not come with any side effects! Basically, Cortisol, the hormone indicator of stress in humans significantly goes down when you spend time outdoors. This works even better with low-intensity outdoor activities like yoga and walking. Many office spaces nowadays have nature inside to help people with stress relief. If doing that works, imagine how much more people could benefit just by going outside instead.

Improves sleep quality

Our sleep cycle is dependent on our internal clocks. Lack of sleep can be harmful to our health leading to all sorts of health issues. When we go outside and let the sun hit our body, especially our eyes, this helps our internal clock return to its natural rhythm, which enables us to get better sleep at night. As our sleep improves, so do our lives. A good night's sleep keeps our body energised for the next morning making us more alert and able to concentrate throughout the day.

Connecting with others

Outdoor activities provide an excellent atmosphere for social connections and bonding. You can find others doing the same activities as yourself, or be part of the local sports team. These can help you build confidence by interacting and learning from other individuals too. Engaging in outdoor activities together fosters teamwork, communication, and cooperation, and promotes a sense of belonging and camaraderie. 

