5 times you should keep your mouth shut at office

Spending a big chunk of the day at work, it is often quite common to have our fair share of foot-in-mouth moments. As natural as these slipups are, they are quite embarrassing nonetheless.
So instead of learning the hard way when it's better to just shut up, here are 5 times you should zip it at work.
Don't 'understand the assignment'
What do you do when you are in a meeting, completely unprepared, and your boss suddenly asks for your input on the topic? Do not speak. In fact, avoid this blunder altogether by thinking smart.
Take notes from the very beginning instead, ask questions, and offer to follow up with your boss after the meeting. This way, you'll have time to gather your thoughts and provide a valuable contribution later, while saving your skin during the meeting.
Tempted to make excuses
Work is hard. And we are only human. If you have unfortunately missed a work deadline, it is wise to apologize sincerely for it and not follow it up with any excuses.
Yes, it is natural for your boss/manager to get angry, but any illogical explanation is not going to help your situation. It might even make it worse for you by making you appear unwilling to take responsibility for your actions.
Angry and hangry
It's okay to feel frustrated at work, but it's not okay to let your emotions get the best of you. If you're upset, it's best to take a moment to calm down before speaking up. This way, you can approach the situation with a level head and communicate in a constructive manner.
Also, why does hunger sometimes act like the cherry over our proverbial frustration cake? While it's very easy (and totally justified) to lose your temper at this point, we suggest you wouldn't. When you're hangry, it's best to stay quiet and grab a snack or sneak in-between to avoid any embarrassing outbursts.
The office gossip
Gossiping can be fun, but it can also be harmful and unprofessional.
As tempting as it is to join in on the latest gossip or juicy rumor about a colleague, it is important to remember that anything you say can be used against you. Even if you don't intend to spread rumors, it's best to stay out of the conversation and avoid getting caught up in any drama.
In a heated discussion
When tensions are running high, it is important to recognize that saying something in the heat of the moment can have long-lasting consequences. You might say something extreme or hurtful. This can lead to a breakdown in communication and can make it more difficult to resolve the issue at hand.
If you find yourself in a heated discussion or argument, take a step back and allow cooler heads to prevail. Wait till you are calm enough for a discussion and have a clear perspective.
When you're unsure of your position
It's natural to want to contribute to discussions and offer your opinion, but it's important to do so only when you have a clear understanding of the issue at hand. It wouldn't do to contradict your colleagues, especially if you don't have a strong standpoint. If you are not sure whether your opinion will be valued or not, it is best to stay quiet and listen to what others have to say.