Life & Living

6 things you can learn from Argentina’s Lionel Messi

6 things you can learn from Argentina’s Lionel Messi
Photo: LS

Lionel Messi's life and career have an array of valuable lessons for all of us. His quotes reflect being humble, being unfazed by failure, and above all, knowing the true values of humanity. These beliefs are not unique to a sport but to life. Some people believe Lionel Messi, the Argentine footballer, is one of the greatest players of all time, if not the greatest player ever to grace the football field. The Argentine footballer did not come to his stardom easily. He started from a place of poverty and worked his way up using every opportunity that came his way. Today, it is difficult to match his incredible strength, control, composure, and speed. He has overcome many hardships in life, and we can learn a lot from him.

Here are 6 powerful quotes from Lionel Messi, and how we can gain inspiration from them.


"You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it."

Everyone has dreams and aspirations. Some people dream of having a luxurious life, and some dream to be successful in their careers. Whatever the dream may be, consistent effort is still the number one requirement to achieving it. The people who constantly make an effort will prevail in the end. In this journey, some things need to be let go. It is important to assess these sacrifices and make them worthwhile.

"The best decisions aren't made with your mind, but with your instinct."

We all have a gut instinct. Sometimes we choose to ignore it. In most cases, ignoring your gut instinct brings unfortunate and disappointing outcomes. The fact that your intuition is unique to you makes it powerful. It has knowledge of you that no personality test can decipher. Sometimes it is worth going with what your gut says instead of opting for what is the popular opinion. Who knows, it might take you on an unexpected yet fruitful venture.

"There are more important things in life than winning or losing a game."

In life, winning or losing is important. Everyone aspires to live with respect and dignity, and we often associate money and fame to bring upon these factors. When it comes down to it, nobody really cares how much money you have. You might have won in life by conventional standards — your dream house and career, more than enough money, and maybe even have your own successful business. How valuable is all that when you yourself are out of touch with your friends, family, and loved ones?  How you treat them and what you do for others is all that matters to most people.

"Sometimes you have to accept you can't win all the time."

While you persist and persevere in your endeavor, sometimes you have to accept that it is time to fail and forgo the journey. If you want to win the war, it is acceptable to lose certain battles. Every time you stumble, take a moment to reflect before getting back up.

"I like to score goals but I also like to have friends among the people I have played with."

The saying 'keep your personal and professional life separate' resonates with this quote. When you compete with others, remember it is just a competition. The rivalry on the field does not need to manifest in other places. When it aids in your preparation, it is acceptable to view people as competitors. However, you must never harbor ill will toward them. The best warriors always respect each other.

"I start early and I stay late, day after day, year after year. It took me 17 years and 114 days to become an overnight success."

In reality, there is no quick access to success. You need to work hard, push yourself past your limits, and get out of your comfort zone. You will face obstacles and fail many times. The answer is never to give up and to keep striving for what you truly want. 


6 things you can learn from Argentina’s Lionel Messi

6 things you can learn from Argentina’s Lionel Messi
Photo: LS

Lionel Messi's life and career have an array of valuable lessons for all of us. His quotes reflect being humble, being unfazed by failure, and above all, knowing the true values of humanity. These beliefs are not unique to a sport but to life. Some people believe Lionel Messi, the Argentine footballer, is one of the greatest players of all time, if not the greatest player ever to grace the football field. The Argentine footballer did not come to his stardom easily. He started from a place of poverty and worked his way up using every opportunity that came his way. Today, it is difficult to match his incredible strength, control, composure, and speed. He has overcome many hardships in life, and we can learn a lot from him.

Here are 6 powerful quotes from Lionel Messi, and how we can gain inspiration from them.


"You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it."

Everyone has dreams and aspirations. Some people dream of having a luxurious life, and some dream to be successful in their careers. Whatever the dream may be, consistent effort is still the number one requirement to achieving it. The people who constantly make an effort will prevail in the end. In this journey, some things need to be let go. It is important to assess these sacrifices and make them worthwhile.

"The best decisions aren't made with your mind, but with your instinct."

We all have a gut instinct. Sometimes we choose to ignore it. In most cases, ignoring your gut instinct brings unfortunate and disappointing outcomes. The fact that your intuition is unique to you makes it powerful. It has knowledge of you that no personality test can decipher. Sometimes it is worth going with what your gut says instead of opting for what is the popular opinion. Who knows, it might take you on an unexpected yet fruitful venture.

"There are more important things in life than winning or losing a game."

In life, winning or losing is important. Everyone aspires to live with respect and dignity, and we often associate money and fame to bring upon these factors. When it comes down to it, nobody really cares how much money you have. You might have won in life by conventional standards — your dream house and career, more than enough money, and maybe even have your own successful business. How valuable is all that when you yourself are out of touch with your friends, family, and loved ones?  How you treat them and what you do for others is all that matters to most people.

"Sometimes you have to accept you can't win all the time."

While you persist and persevere in your endeavor, sometimes you have to accept that it is time to fail and forgo the journey. If you want to win the war, it is acceptable to lose certain battles. Every time you stumble, take a moment to reflect before getting back up.

"I like to score goals but I also like to have friends among the people I have played with."

The saying 'keep your personal and professional life separate' resonates with this quote. When you compete with others, remember it is just a competition. The rivalry on the field does not need to manifest in other places. When it aids in your preparation, it is acceptable to view people as competitors. However, you must never harbor ill will toward them. The best warriors always respect each other.

"I start early and I stay late, day after day, year after year. It took me 17 years and 114 days to become an overnight success."

In reality, there is no quick access to success. You need to work hard, push yourself past your limits, and get out of your comfort zone. You will face obstacles and fail many times. The answer is never to give up and to keep striving for what you truly want. 


অযথা সময়ক্ষেপণ করে সরকারে থাকার বিন্দুমাত্র ইচ্ছা আমাদের নেই: আসিফ নজরুল

‘রাজনৈতিক দলগুলোর সঙ্গে ফেব্রুয়ারির মাঝামাঝির মধ্যে থেকে আলোচনা শুরু করতে আগ্রহী।’

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