Life & Living

Asthma and patient care

As the weather gets dryer some of us tend to enjoy the reduced humidity. For those who suffer from asthma and breathing issues, this is a terrible time of the year where the dry atmosphere is anything but soothing to the nostrils.


The first step in asthma care involves making a clear plan. This should include a list or notes of the triggers one should avoid, medicines for different times, and backup inhalers.

Different people get attacks at different times and also because of different triggers. So noting these down helps you to identify the triggers later on, and helps you to avoid them. Noting down the atmosphere conditions and any activities you were doing before or during the attacks is also a good idea.

Food habits are also to be noted as some sorts of food can trigger your attack. This not only helps you, but it also helps your doctor see your conditions in a broader light, enabling them to help you further.


This will help the patient check their air flows, and will help them determine whether their condition is getting out of hand. When the peak flow meter goes down, it means the condition is worsening and the patient could need medical attention.


A lot of stress can trigger an asthma attack. Although it is not always possible to avoid all sorts of stress, try to avoid as much as possible for the sake of your own health.


Muscle relaxation and the right breathing exercises can help a patient relax. Deep belly breathing can aid post asthma attacks. Consult your physician for the right techniques to help you, and make sure to note them down for later as well.


Using air conditioners prevents outside pollen from getting in, which can be a big trigger for asthma sufferers. It also prevents humidity build-up, which can lead to dust mites. If the season is cold and an air conditioner is not suitable, keep doors and windows closed if your space is surrounded by a lot of greenery or has easy access to dust. 


In the colder months, we tend to wash our everyday wear, in this case sweaters, less often given there is less sweat. But the furry and warm texture of sweaters are real dust magnets, especially if you have been out with them a lot. Give all your winter woollen wear frequent washes to help keep allergies and asthma at bay.


Insufficient ventilation can also be a problem. This might not sound too swell in the winter, but not letting any outside air or sun in is actually worse, and might encourage your walls to sweat, leading to trapped moisture, microbes, and fungus, and all of this is will affect your asthma. Open up a few windows every once in a while to allow some air to keep your space dry. Sunlight also has UV rays which are natural disinfectants that will help your room stay germ free.


Disposable face masks are widely available. Stock up on a few packets and make sure to wear them when you step outside. This will help you breathe easier without being hit by the storm of dust going all around. Use ones that come with filters specifically to keep dust out.


There are places in our home that are crawling with a tonne of asthma causing elements in plain sight. The top of the ceiling fan, curtains, and carpets are basically dust magnets. Try to reduce these in the patient's room. Remove all carpeting and replace curtains.


Pets are wonderful, but not when you have asthma. They can be carriers of a lot of different types of pollen and dust that you do not want around you or any asthma patient.

If you feel like your asthma is escalating do not look for alternate herbal medicines or home remedies by yourself. Avoid the self-diagnosis and meet the doctor, or Ayurveda practitioner  for any proper solutions.


Asthma and patient care

As the weather gets dryer some of us tend to enjoy the reduced humidity. For those who suffer from asthma and breathing issues, this is a terrible time of the year where the dry atmosphere is anything but soothing to the nostrils.


The first step in asthma care involves making a clear plan. This should include a list or notes of the triggers one should avoid, medicines for different times, and backup inhalers.

Different people get attacks at different times and also because of different triggers. So noting these down helps you to identify the triggers later on, and helps you to avoid them. Noting down the atmosphere conditions and any activities you were doing before or during the attacks is also a good idea.

Food habits are also to be noted as some sorts of food can trigger your attack. This not only helps you, but it also helps your doctor see your conditions in a broader light, enabling them to help you further.


This will help the patient check their air flows, and will help them determine whether their condition is getting out of hand. When the peak flow meter goes down, it means the condition is worsening and the patient could need medical attention.


A lot of stress can trigger an asthma attack. Although it is not always possible to avoid all sorts of stress, try to avoid as much as possible for the sake of your own health.


Muscle relaxation and the right breathing exercises can help a patient relax. Deep belly breathing can aid post asthma attacks. Consult your physician for the right techniques to help you, and make sure to note them down for later as well.


Using air conditioners prevents outside pollen from getting in, which can be a big trigger for asthma sufferers. It also prevents humidity build-up, which can lead to dust mites. If the season is cold and an air conditioner is not suitable, keep doors and windows closed if your space is surrounded by a lot of greenery or has easy access to dust. 


In the colder months, we tend to wash our everyday wear, in this case sweaters, less often given there is less sweat. But the furry and warm texture of sweaters are real dust magnets, especially if you have been out with them a lot. Give all your winter woollen wear frequent washes to help keep allergies and asthma at bay.


Insufficient ventilation can also be a problem. This might not sound too swell in the winter, but not letting any outside air or sun in is actually worse, and might encourage your walls to sweat, leading to trapped moisture, microbes, and fungus, and all of this is will affect your asthma. Open up a few windows every once in a while to allow some air to keep your space dry. Sunlight also has UV rays which are natural disinfectants that will help your room stay germ free.


Disposable face masks are widely available. Stock up on a few packets and make sure to wear them when you step outside. This will help you breathe easier without being hit by the storm of dust going all around. Use ones that come with filters specifically to keep dust out.


There are places in our home that are crawling with a tonne of asthma causing elements in plain sight. The top of the ceiling fan, curtains, and carpets are basically dust magnets. Try to reduce these in the patient's room. Remove all carpeting and replace curtains.


Pets are wonderful, but not when you have asthma. They can be carriers of a lot of different types of pollen and dust that you do not want around you or any asthma patient.

If you feel like your asthma is escalating do not look for alternate herbal medicines or home remedies by yourself. Avoid the self-diagnosis and meet the doctor, or Ayurveda practitioner  for any proper solutions.


শেখ বশিরউদ্দীন

৩ সপ্তাহ ধরে পরিবারের সবাই খোলা সয়াবিন তেল খাচ্ছি: বাণিজ্য উপদেষ্টা

‘আমার মনে হয়, ক্ষমতাচ্যুত প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার নামে একটা পিএইচডি ডিগ্রি দেওয়া দরকার।’

৪১ মিনিট আগে