Life & Living

House of the Dragon – A Game of Thrones Prequel

Get ready for the Targaryans in the upcoming Game of Thrones spin-off House of the Dragon, premiering on HBO Max in August 2022.
Expectations are high for Game of Thrones spin-off, House of the Dragon, set to premiere on HBO Max in August 2022. Photo: Collected

Despite the crushing disappointment over the conclusion of the Game of Thrones, expectations are still high for its spin-off, House of the Dragon, the latest foray into Westeros. Set to premiere on HBO Max in August 2022, one might ask, how will it be any different from its predecessor? Will it have a similar high-octane nature? Will we be hurt again with a lackluster ending despite not being fully recovered from the last debacle?

Keeping all those questions in mind, here are five reasons 'Why we should be excited for House of the Dragon!'


For those who've been hermit crabs, House of the Dragon is set 200 years before the events of Game of Thrones. It entails the period of House Targaryen's most tumultuous years with lots of conspiracies and histories which are likely to answer a few questions left behind by its predecessor.

Game of Thrones

Admittedly, the final season was not easy to digest emotionally. Still, Game of Thrones was at the helm of the TV series in its golden days. It left its audiences craving for more machinations of House Lannister, the sudden deaths of favorite characters, beautiful set pieces, and last but not least, the bloody wars and deaths. If House of the Dragon is even half as good as Game of Thrones at its peak, the audience would not be disappointed.  

The Targaryens

Being one of the most mysterious houses, there will be plenty of expositions and backstory of the Targaryens. From riding the majestic yet ferocious dragons while wielding the Valyrian Steel sword, the tales of House Targaryen will leave fans enthralled. To see them brought to life on screen is more than any loyal fan can ever want.


The dragons were one of the best parts of Game of Thrones. Fans connected with them from the moment they hatched and emerged unscathed from the fire in the season one finale to Drogon mourning Daenerys' death while flying away with her lifeless body. They loved seeing them soar across screens with their sinister majestic ways. The dragons elevated the story from gripping magical realism to high fantasy. If you're still not convinced, the word "dragon" is literally in the title of the show, "House of the DRAGON."


House of the Dragon has the upper hand over its predecessor when it comes to the plot, which is the conclusion. George RR Martin has completed this chapter of history in 2018's Fire and Blood. In contrast, most of the hate of the last seasons of Game of Thrones was received from its loyal fans due to deviation from Martin's beloved source material despite being incomplete.

Perhaps, it's time for House of the Dragon to shine in the limelight and experience the wrath of the dragons like it is meant to be.


House of the Dragon – A Game of Thrones Prequel

Get ready for the Targaryans in the upcoming Game of Thrones spin-off House of the Dragon, premiering on HBO Max in August 2022.
Expectations are high for Game of Thrones spin-off, House of the Dragon, set to premiere on HBO Max in August 2022. Photo: Collected

Despite the crushing disappointment over the conclusion of the Game of Thrones, expectations are still high for its spin-off, House of the Dragon, the latest foray into Westeros. Set to premiere on HBO Max in August 2022, one might ask, how will it be any different from its predecessor? Will it have a similar high-octane nature? Will we be hurt again with a lackluster ending despite not being fully recovered from the last debacle?

Keeping all those questions in mind, here are five reasons 'Why we should be excited for House of the Dragon!'


For those who've been hermit crabs, House of the Dragon is set 200 years before the events of Game of Thrones. It entails the period of House Targaryen's most tumultuous years with lots of conspiracies and histories which are likely to answer a few questions left behind by its predecessor.

Game of Thrones

Admittedly, the final season was not easy to digest emotionally. Still, Game of Thrones was at the helm of the TV series in its golden days. It left its audiences craving for more machinations of House Lannister, the sudden deaths of favorite characters, beautiful set pieces, and last but not least, the bloody wars and deaths. If House of the Dragon is even half as good as Game of Thrones at its peak, the audience would not be disappointed.  

The Targaryens

Being one of the most mysterious houses, there will be plenty of expositions and backstory of the Targaryens. From riding the majestic yet ferocious dragons while wielding the Valyrian Steel sword, the tales of House Targaryen will leave fans enthralled. To see them brought to life on screen is more than any loyal fan can ever want.


The dragons were one of the best parts of Game of Thrones. Fans connected with them from the moment they hatched and emerged unscathed from the fire in the season one finale to Drogon mourning Daenerys' death while flying away with her lifeless body. They loved seeing them soar across screens with their sinister majestic ways. The dragons elevated the story from gripping magical realism to high fantasy. If you're still not convinced, the word "dragon" is literally in the title of the show, "House of the DRAGON."


House of the Dragon has the upper hand over its predecessor when it comes to the plot, which is the conclusion. George RR Martin has completed this chapter of history in 2018's Fire and Blood. In contrast, most of the hate of the last seasons of Game of Thrones was received from its loyal fans due to deviation from Martin's beloved source material despite being incomplete.

Perhaps, it's time for House of the Dragon to shine in the limelight and experience the wrath of the dragons like it is meant to be.


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