Mila Kunis opens up about personal hygiene

Call it a post-COVID phenomenon or a general obsession over the ins and outs of celebrities' lives, people have started exhibiting weirdly obsessive curiosity regarding celebrity hygiene. Milena Markovna, better known as Mila Kunis is one such celebrity who has been in the limelight recently for what some may call 'oversharing'.
Only last year, on Dax Shepard and Monica Padman's podcast Armchair Expert, Mila Kunis and her husband Ashton Kutcher controversially shared questionable bathing routines. While Ashton admitted to showering very frugally, Mila mentioned that her contact with water is only limited to washing her face twice a day, unless very necessary. Mila also mentioned that she only bathed her two children if she visibly saw dirt on them. This confession made shocking waves among the fans as showering once a day is generally considered good hygiene practice.
The fans were not quite done judging when Mila threw in a new one for flavour. This time, it concerned the loo! Mila said that nobody in their home ever shuts the bathroom door, a fact not many needed to know. The star maintained that she was never a person to leave the bathroom door open but things have now changed, what with the little ones knocking on the door "every two seconds." The controversial statement almost seems designed to get people talking — the topic is unpalatable (pun intended) and the information shared could just as easily have remained private.
Nevertheless, now that things are — out in the open — so to speak, it has Mila's fan base divided into groups of "That's nasty!" and "Who cares?". Many feel that the habit of not shutting doors is inclusive and even safe. Some say that it normalises bodily functions and do not need to be a private affair if the family does not wish it to be so. Yet, others feel that this is a cultural norm in California.
Finally, there are the non-judgemental ones who feel like the decision is personal to the family that is practicing it and it should not be discussed. The other end of the spectrum finds the entire affair quite nasty and bizarre, and too much of information they did not need.
There's no denying that the general public is greatly in awe of the daily details of celebrity lives and relish the titbits that come their way from time to time, even if it is to diss them. Also, although this particular piece of information seems like a bit of an overshare, it has managed to put Mila and Ashton back in the spotlight. Seems almost like the "open" secret has served its purpose well!