Quick and easy winter laundry tips
As chilling as winter may be, it is the usage of life skills such as laundry or showers that really help our bodies absorb the true essence of the season. Other than very rare occasions, this is not a splendid experience. Hence, here are some of the easiest winter laundry tips that you can incorporate in your daily lives that will make this chore manageable.
Dish it out
Fragile garments that are made of wool often shrink or tear if harsh washing agents come in contact with them. So, in order to avoid that, use a coin-size dishwasher and fill up the washing sink. Wait for 2-3 min for the soap to settle in. After that, gently submerse your woollen goods into the water. Do not twist it as it may hurt the fabric. Rather, gently press one of the garments against the other and repeat the process until the soap is gone.
Go stainless
'It's shivering outside!' is the most commonly used phrase in winter and this often limits us from immediately addressing our laundry alerts, especially when it requires some extensive stain removal. The simplest way to get rid of a stain is to dampen that area, apply a stain remover and keep it for at least 15 minutes. After that, wash it off. In case you do not have a stain remover, lemon juice can help you out as well.
Air drying diaries
In winter, one of the most calming factors is the extreme sunshine that hits our fences right from the start of the day. This is a great opportunity for air drying clothes. Try to finish doing laundry while the sun is at its peak so that you get to expose the cleaned clothes to the natural heat outside. Make sure you keep it for a good 2 to 4 hours to make it completely dry. Air drying keeps the colour of your clothes vibrant and your garment safe from wear and tear.
Dehumidifiers for the win
Even in winter, drying areas can get stuffy. To avoid such situations, try to get a dehumidifier. There are lots of e-commerce websites that sell small to large dehumidifiers depending on consumer needs so all you have to do is identify the type of dehumidifier your drying space needs and order it on the go. Dehumidifiers erase excess moisture from the air so this is a healthy way of keeping your garments well.
Prioritise to not jeopardise
We often think that washing all woollen clothes or all cotton clothes will not cause any problem as long as it is of some colour. That is completely untrue. Each and every fabric needs to be catered as per their needs. Use the thumb rule of prioritisation before washing clothes. If you have a mix of denims, linens and more then select the bunch that immediately need your attention and wash them together. Others can wait but cannot be jeopardized due to time limitations.
To conclude
Winter laundry as all laundry is a chore, but it becomes less tiresome when it is prepared for.
Photo: Collected