The nonchalant truth of mansplaining
Have you ever come across a man who claimed himself to be more knowledgeable than you, even though you are more experienced in that particular field? If yes, you have been mansplained.
Mansplaining is a gruesome act that has been taking place for centuries now due to some men and their egos being grander than the seven wonders of the world. Yes, the wonders may change but they will not.
Knowingly or unknowingly, we are often a victim of this prejudice in organisations, institutions, and even public places. Hence, to elevate your idea about mansplaining and to give you the shield of self-preservation against it, here is the context in a nutshell:
How is mansplaining done?
There is an array of ways a man can mansplain a woman, but the most common one is when they believe they are superior to them just based on their gender. How peculiar and obnoxious you may think? Sadly, this is the truth. As if equality does not have a place in their dictionary. Well, neither does consent, but let's not go there. You may hear the hymn of 'not all men are the same' playing in the background!
On a serious note, a classic example of mansplaining is when you are working with a male and you probably need help with it. For some odd and very unknown reasons, the man has an indefinite urge pouring through his veins to help you. Even when you clearly and vocally said that you do not need it, he insisted as if that was vested to him by the supreme power of the universe.
How to escape mansplaining?
As much as you may wish to have a golden guide to escape mansplaining, it does not exist. However, what does exist is the ability to say no. There are instances where we may think raising our voices or declining may result in a worse situation. Imagine figures like Marie Curie or Malala Yousafzai having a similar mind-set. Would our race have advanced to what it has to now? The answer is, never.
Therefore, as much as it may hurt the person in front of you, you need to take your stand. You have to mark your territory even if it subjects you to ostracisation. Yes, that is an over-exaggeration of what may happen but the reply should always be louder than the mistreatment. This is why always prepare for the worst and do your best. Years of suffrage for gaining the right to raise your voices should not be wasted.
The bottom line
To conclude, one must never mansplain. It is unacceptable and unjust. No one should feel belittled or less valued due to his or her gender. So, the next time you see someone mansplaining you, do not forget to point out their absence in the extreme sport called 'mutual respect!'
Photo: LS Archive/Sazzad Ibne Sayed