The Weekly Tarot Forecast (8-15 November)

Life is pretty complicated, right? Did you ever wish that you had a tool that could give you an objective look into your life? Something that could help you unravel life's greater mysteries, or give you some kind of insight or clarity? Well, tarot is a tool for doing exactly that. Many people shy away from tarot cards, thinking it is about fortune telling and that those who do it are charlatans.
Tarot is a rich and profound tool that helps you attune to your own subconscious through the use of colours, imagery and symbolism. It is a deck of 78 cards which depict the entirety of the human experience. From the overarching complex themes of our lives to the day-to-day situations, such as emotions, thoughts and words, finances and motivations and beliefs - all of these are depicted in the tarot cards. The most amazing thing about tarot is that it can offer you a glimpse into the future.
But remember, nothing is written in stone. You have the free will to direct your own fate. Curious to see how it works? Try this for yourself.

Here's how this works:
- First, ask yourself this: "How can I work with the energies of the week of 8 November – 15 November?"
- Close your eyes. Take a deep breath.
- Choose a card or crystal in the picture above. There is no right or wrong answer. Just your intuition guiding you.
- This card will be your tarot card for the week.
- Your reveal is in the picture below. The picture shows what your card is, and the reading for each card is written below.
This is a general reading for the week of 8 November – 15 November, 2022.

Crystals (left-right): Green Aventurine, Labradorite, Blue Lace Agate.
Deck used: The Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck
King of Pentacles
Slow and steady, calm and patient. This is the week to show how much you have matured in terms of honouring commitments (including to yourself) and finding discipline. It seems that you are in a stable position, both financially and emotionally. Rather than getting complacent, show your mettle in how you can use this to further your financial goals. What can you invest in? What new strategies can you employ? Your ability to create wealth is highlighted this week. Trust in your financial acumen. This week starts with a lunar eclipse in Taurus. Use this time to celebrate and give thanks for all you have achieved. Indulge in the good life — you deserve it. Then, find the discipline to resume your work. Affirmation: I am financially empowered.
Five of Wands
It feels as though you are at war with yourself. There are many different parts of you wanting different things. Perhaps one wants to be healthy and cut out all junk food and the other part likes to stress eat and binge on junk food. The thing is, if you look at these seemingly opposite contradictions, they will have the same unmet need. This week, take the time to explore your own contradictions. How do these inner conflicts prevent you from moving forward or living your best life? What are they telling you about yourself? Doing this reflection also is not enough. This conflict needs to inspire you into action. You are conflicted because you know something is out of place. There is a deeper issue at hand. Use the energy of the full moon in Taurus to do some self-reflection and understand yourself more deeply. Affirmation: I listen to all the different parts of myself.
Ten of Swords Reversed
It is always darkest before the dawn. Perhaps you have experienced some kind of deep betrayal, or hurt. Words were spoken that have cut deeply. But this week, it is time to let go of these heavy energies that are holding you back. Be aware, that this could also be your own doing. Perhaps, you have been unnecessarily harsh on yourself. You could be weighed down by your own negative thoughts and self-limiting beliefs. This week's lunar eclipse in Taurus offers you the chance to release and shed these negative thoughts and limiting beliefs. Free yourself of the burden of hurtful words and find forgiveness and self-compassion. Allow yourself to find a new perspective that frees you from the burden of the past. Cultivate supportive thoughts. Let go of any ideas of revenge; the negative energy is never worth it. Karma is always there to bring things to balance. Affirmation: I am releasing negative thoughts which are no longer serving me.