6 signs you are in a toxic relationship

Every relationship has its ups and downs and that is absolutely fine. However, a lot of us tend to fail to identify and differentiate whether a relationship is having a bad phase or whether we are stuck in a toxic relationship. Here are a few ways you can identify if your relationship is really toxic.
Lack of communication
We often face a lot of issues with our partners and even with ourselves that we tend to keep to ourselves. While you may be thinking that you are protecting your partner, you are actually building an opportunity of miscommunication. Often times, we may feel hesitant to speak to our partners about certain things which can create a distance between the two, which in turn, can lead to the relationship getting toxic in the long run.
Emotional manipulation
We may not realise it but when in love we can easily be manipulated by our partners or even be the ones manipulating them. Emotional manipulation can come in different forms like gaslighting, where one makes you question your own thoughts and beliefs, to blackmailing to even playing the blame game, where you are being blamed for something you did not do or sometimes even being blamed for someone else's fault. You may overlook these things from the goodness of your heart or because of the feelings that you have for your partner, but this is a red flag in a relationship.
This is another aspect that one might ignore or overlook in the name of love. You should never let anyone disrespect you, whether it is your partner or anyone else. This could start with ignoring minor things in a conversation and end up with failing to respect you as a person. If your partner fails to respect you or your opinions, your relationship may not end up where you expect it, as this may lead you to feel bad about yourself, in turn, leading you to lose your true self.
We often tend to give in to what our partners want, thinking it is going to make them happy. However, many a time, we do not realise that this can lead to them trying to take control over the relationship or even you. While minor things may not matter much, this can eventually affect life decisions and if you refuse to give in, it can cause fights and even end the relationship. While taking advice and asking for suggestions from your other half can lead to fruitful decisions, your final decision should be yours, and if that is not how it is, maybe it is time to re-evaluate your relationship.
Most of us get involved in a relationship with the hope of growing together, but sometimes that is not the case. Even if your partner is not physically stopping you in your course of life, the relationship may lead you to make decisions that may prevent your personal progress. The relationship itself can also feel stuck sometimes, not going forward, which may make you feel like you are in a loophole with no advancement in the relationship. A healthy relationship should have you and your partner personally grow in your individual lives while making progress in the relationship as you go. While your relationship should definitely be a priority to you, personal growth is something that one should not overlook for the sake of a relationship. You should always be able to put your own needs first and support your partner in doing the same.
Sometimes we catch ourselves feeling insecure in a relationship. This does not just limit itself to trust issues. Your relationship could also make you feel insecure about yourself. This could be from your partner's actions or words or even just change in behaviour. We often find ourselves wondering if we have done something wrong. This could often be because your relationship may not be affirmative leading you to constantly worry if something is wrong. Certain comments or actions from your partner could also lead you to question your own self-worth or where you stand in their lives. This sense of insecurity could often end up in toxic behaviour even if that is not the intention.