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Checkmate Events’ endeavours

A leading name in the documentation sector covering corporate events and specialising in covering wedding events, Checkmate Events, arranged their Annual Keynote 2018- #What_Next?. With the tagline "Unfolding an avenue of possibilities", the event came with a view to presenting next generation content presentation on this sector. The event was held On April 8 2018, at EMK Centre, Dhanmondi 27, where Checkmate focused on their 6-year journey and contributions to the sector.

A keynote speech by Creative Coach M Aminur Rahman focused on how Checkmate Events have placed their innovative approach to shape up the content presentation in Wedding Documentation Digitization. He also focused on Team Management in photography, building a brand within the organization and launching the "Masterpiece™" Photography packages from Checkmate Events as well as highlighting other corporate clients and services.

Checkmate Events also launched their calendar for the upcoming Bengali New Year 1425. The calendar project was unveiled with the presence of their partner "Gala - Makeover Studio and Salon by Navin Ahmed" and "6 Yards Story." Checkmate Events announced a partnership deal with "Gala - Makeover Studio & Salon by Navin Ahmed" where customers can have a flat 10% discount if they confirm service from either place.

For more information, please visit


news flash

Checkmate Events’ endeavours

A leading name in the documentation sector covering corporate events and specialising in covering wedding events, Checkmate Events, arranged their Annual Keynote 2018- #What_Next?. With the tagline "Unfolding an avenue of possibilities", the event came with a view to presenting next generation content presentation on this sector. The event was held On April 8 2018, at EMK Centre, Dhanmondi 27, where Checkmate focused on their 6-year journey and contributions to the sector.

A keynote speech by Creative Coach M Aminur Rahman focused on how Checkmate Events have placed their innovative approach to shape up the content presentation in Wedding Documentation Digitization. He also focused on Team Management in photography, building a brand within the organization and launching the "Masterpiece™" Photography packages from Checkmate Events as well as highlighting other corporate clients and services.

Checkmate Events also launched their calendar for the upcoming Bengali New Year 1425. The calendar project was unveiled with the presence of their partner "Gala - Makeover Studio and Salon by Navin Ahmed" and "6 Yards Story." Checkmate Events announced a partnership deal with "Gala - Makeover Studio & Salon by Navin Ahmed" where customers can have a flat 10% discount if they confirm service from either place.

For more information, please visit


বিদ্যুৎ ও জ্বালানি খাতের কালো আইন, বাতিল ও নতুন ‘দায়মুক্তি’: কার স্বার্থে?

প্রান্তিক জনগোষ্ঠীর অগ্রযাত্রা রুখতেই এই সরকারের মধ্যে ঘাপটি মেরে থাকা স্বৈরতন্ত্রের দোসর অসাধু আমলাতন্ত্র-অসাধু ব্যবসায়ী-অসাধু রাজনীতিবিদদের নেক্সাসই এলিট শ্রেণীর মোড়কে জ্বালানি উপদেষ্টার...

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