The Master and His Yes-Man
(A Translation of Kazi Nazrul Islam's “Saheb o Mosaheb”)

-"Wonder! What a wonder!"
-"Wonder be it must!
Who can differ with you, Sir?"
-"A true wonder it was-
Just let me speak, okay?"
-"Your hint said it all,
Aye, Sir, aye!"
-"You know what? That day-"
-"You think I don't?
As of that day,
Do tell, whatever you may-"
-"That afternoon
It rained a little."
-"Hear, hear, I do, Master!
Such a story to tell!"
-"Oh, would you stop,
And let me just begin!"
-"Ah, what a story!
Hush you all, Sir to speak again!"
-"Where was I?
All is muddled now!"
-"Go on as you were.
With all ears, I avow!"
-"Listen! That day,
The sun rose at dawn!"
-"Sun at dawn!
Hardly do we see it in the morn!"
-"Thought I could go,
And have a little stroll."
-"Such a sight
Sir would never miss, at all!"
-"Couldn't make it though,
Had to stay home quietly."
-"Master of the house,
Why would he do a thing so unseemly?"
- "Doze did I off!
Don't know how and when."
- "Quiet, all! Sir be napping!
Call someone, bring a fan."
-"No! No! Not at all!
Wide alert I am!
-"That Sir is awake,
Surely have I told, all of 'em!"
-"Opened my eyes
To a crowd of blockheads!"
-"The vigilance of you, Sire,
How can we avoid?"
Motiur Rahman is a Lecturer in the Department of English at East West University.