Mirpur’s Jalladkhana in photos
The entrance of the Jalladkhana Killing Field Memorial in Mirpur-10, Dhaka. Photo: Zaid Kalam
The well of the Jalladkhana Killing Field Memorial in Mirpur-10 where the bodies of innocent Banglais were dumped after their brutal murder by the then West Pakistani army and their local collaborators. Photo: Zaid Kalam
Jalladkhana Killing Field Memorial in Mirpur-10, Dhaka. Photo: Zaid Kalam
Jalladkhana Killing Field Memorial
Visitors ring the bell before entering into the gloomy exhibition room of the Jalladkhana Killing Field Memorial in Mirpur-10, Dhaka. Photo: Zaid Kalam
Jalladkhana Killing Field Memorial
Jalladkhana Killing Field Memorial
The Liberation War Museum in cooperation with the Bangladesh Army exhumed the mass grave and recovered 70 human skulls and 5392 bones from there in 1999. The Museum gave identities to the martyrs after exhuming the skulls and bones and using personal artefacts found during the excavation. Photo: Zaid Kalam
One of the six glass pots placed on six altars across the compound, containing soil from six such killing fields from six divisions of the country. Photo: Zaid Kalam
One of the six glass pots placed on six altars across the compound, containing soil from six such killing fields from six divisions of the country. Photo: Zaid Kalam
One of the six glass pots placed on six altars across the compound, containing soil from six such killing fields from six divisions of the country. Photo: Zaid Kalam
A comment on the visitors' book at the Jalladkhana Killing Field Memorial in Mirpur-10, Dhaka. Photo: Zaid Kalam
So much evidence lying around us of the criminals' brutality at Jalladkhana Killing Field Memorial in Mirpur-10, Dhaka. Photo: Zaid Kalam